CP Journey

Operação: Snowboard 19/11

Bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite!

No evento de ontem, dia 19/11 (Domingo), fizemos um evento no Club Penguin Avalanche, no qual usamos pranchas de snowboard e ganhamos o selo Dança Radical.

MÁX: 22 MÉDIA: 17

~ Kedi Wain, Subtenente

[For the TT Committee] List of ENLISTED attendees

  • There may be recruits who later left the army;
  • In gray, rogues who did tactics and attended the event
  • In blue, troops who are in the max picture:

1. Toddynhojr - toddyn_0
2. Leozin - oxeu
3. Belga - belga0202
4. Arestheprime - kediwain
5. Zionjoga - ziionrocha
6. Caua - ralsei4607
7. Licy - puckzzs
8. Scraapz - scraapz
9. Yellow - hop_skotch
10. Pereira - pereira21
11. Guibelfiles - guibelfilesyt
12. Fourless - fourless
13. Yell - fitsuki
14. Hneto2508 - _hneto
15. Nerdito123
16. Lass - da_lasso
17. TerzoKazo - kazoodoterzo
18. Mathvlad - vladgalaxy
19. Lukeamane - luke.sx
20. Hnthunter - hnthunter
21. Dijasta - cauegigof
22. Idealogic - idealogic

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