CP Journey

Long Live the Fighters


"You don't fight destiny; it's best to let it grab you by the hair and drag you wherever it wants you to be."- Machado de Assis

    Every empire that worships a false God must be destroyed. For years, our glorious empire here at the Elite Guardians fought eye for an eye against the golden regime that placed their trust in a man who treated himself as a God. An empire, despite claiming to be the divine force it is, constantly used heinous methods to slither their way to the top (or lack thereof). 

    We managed to make them our vassal, and they stood no chance against us in the crusades they launched against us. When we reciprocated with our own, they stood no chance as well, and fell to the glory of the righteous divine order of Sorte Vivve every time. 

    Many of us here tried to help them, and show them the path to righteousness. But as we tried, their ruler, who acted as a God, never let it happen. Instead, he chose to continue his overbearing rule and influence over them, every step of the way, even in the face of genuine fortune. The man went on to become recognized as one of the "legends" of our time, but through working the magic of the witches, not by humble achievement. A man who could make one man be three, maybe even five. Is this genuine success? Or is this all dark magic? They claimed to prove us wrong, but we see no proof; just lies.

    Now when the man left them, he bestowed the empire unto his chosen Empress. From there, arrogance with ingenuine success became arrogance with only failure. Despite the failure, they still try to act righteous, and why is that? Their attempted crusades on us recently have only shown they are nothing without the man, and that is assuming they were something at all.

    It is time we settle this feud once and for all. You want to prove us wrong, I implore you to do so. The missions we did long ago never saw a conclusion, clearly, and now is the time to do it...

    Thus it should come as no surprise that once again we, the great Elite Guardians, now raise our banners and arms of war against the Templars, as our reencounter in the battlefield was bound to happen. Without the need for ceremony and theatrics, we raise our blades towards our foes, let this be a clash between two Empires, between two opposing hegemonies, yet another legendary encounter between the two rivals. A great, just war... a Crusade, a Jihad, a Holy War.

    Lord be with us all.

The Empire of the Elite Guardians, through its High Court and Ministries, declares the start of Operation: Saladin and the state of war with the Empire of Templaria. 

May thy sword chip and shatter.



1. In the absence of a map, a condition to establish a winner was deemed as necessary. Therefore, the first army to reach 10 victories across the war will be declared as the winner.

2. This war is a one-on-one conflict between the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin and the Templars of Club Penguin. The usage of allies, dual-enlists, or members of other armies is NOT allowed to attend for either side throughout this war. To further clarify, outside involvement of any kind is not allowed in this war. This means visitors and veterans from other armies cannot attend for either side. Moreover, this war is between EGCP and TCP. No other army may declare war on either side for the duration of this war.

3. All war battles must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance with the CPA league and CPA Judges. Failure to do so will result in the invalidation of the scheduling.

4. No doxxing, ddosing, botting, multilogging, or cheating in any form.

5. No army is allowed to merge into EGCP or TCP until the conclusion of the war, following this declaration. Merges will be deemed invalid.

6. The losing army in this conflict must accept the terms of a treaty imposed by the winning force, unless there is no clear winner (by agreement of all parties).

7. A withdrawal from this conflict for any reason and in any shape or form (e.g. withdrawing from the server map, withdrawing from the CPA league, shutting your army down, failing to attend 3 battles in a row, etc.) will constitute a forfeit of the war.

8. If either side fails to attend more than three battles at any point throughout the war, it shall be viewed as a withdrawal from the conflict, constituting a forfeit of the war.

9. Any attempt to exploit loopholes will result in a forfeit of war.

10. Any evidence of any of these war terms being breached will result in an instant defeat of the opposing side in this war. This cannot be invoked unilaterally, however, and is up to the CPA league administration.

11. All other CPA league map, and CPA: Battleground rules apply for this war. Moreover, all battles must be judges by CPAJ judges.


SavageCobra IV; Leader, Minister of State, Consul
Gutavuh; Minister of War, Consul
Dalloway; Acting Chancellor

1 Comentários

  1. Listen here, EGCP. It’s your favorite Templar Elsa. If I catch you guys insulting Templars or me plus any other armies. Then I will end our friendship for GOOD! Now back the fuck off from Templars or else I won’t be so merciful. And please don’t ban me!

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