CP Journey

Operation: Caesar

 Attention soldiers and members of the Club Penguin Army community,

    The end of times is approaching. Since our revival that began over a year ago, we've engaged in numerous military conflicts with practically the entire Club Penguin Army community. Fighting the likes of the Army of Club Penguin, Templars, the People's Imperial Confederation, Water Vikings, and others, we have usually always came out on top. Usually.

    The Elite Guardians originated from a time where army warfare was not so overly sanctioned. Indeed, even in both renditions of the Club Penguin Army Syndicate and DMT's CPA league, the community was still not as sanctioned as it is today. In our initial generation, we held a rivalry against the Rebel Penguin Federation, which began during our successful World War VII against them and their allies, and ending with our closure. Since our return, however, times clearly were shown to have changed, as we fought not the Rebels, but the Army of Club Penguin. For over a year, we fought tooth and nail against them.

    Our first conflict with them ended with a major 32-0 practical victory. Despite this, the arrogance and pacificism present in the peace talks led no victory to be acknowledged and for the war score to be "wiped" (which makes no sense), despite us and our allies absolutely humiliating the alliance we fought against. Case one of a true victory being stolen. Not too long after this, ACP waged war against us once again, this time as the formal aggressor. The war was practically a stalemate the entire time, with ACP holding a small advantage - that was until we turned the tide of the AUSIA/early EU front. Despite that, we lost by technicality due to loosely (and unintentionally) breaking a map term. Case two of a true victory being stolen. Fast forward many months, and we fought against the Army of Club Penguin in Christmas Crusade, as they and their pact of three to four allies (depends how you look at it) jumped in a war against us due to our conduct. Despite winning every battle that we didn't no-show, and the majority of battles in general, the peace talks ended without a mention of a victor. Case three.

    I think it is time we end this tradition, yes? You see, if these were old times, we would've just merely claimed victory and the history books would've saw these circumstances in our favor. That is not the case here, obviously, and I think it's time we truly show the grey and gold empire beats the puke green empire. However, this will be proved on the battlefield. 

The High Summit of the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin hereby declare war on the Army of Club Penguin, beginning Operation: Caesar.



1. No army following this declaration can transfer any servers until the conclusion of the war. The only exception to this rule is if an army forfeits the war and transfers all of their servers to the opposing side (e.g. if ACP transfers all of their servers to EGCP).

2. This war is a one-on-one conflict between the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin and the Army of Club Penguin. The usage of allies, dual-enlists, or members of other armies is NOT allowed to attend for either side throughout this war. To further clarify, outside involvement of any kind (including but not limited to having people from other armies - active or not - lead or attend battles) is not allowed in this war. This means visitors and veterans from other armies cannot attend for either side. Furthermore, advisors who are currently enlisted in another army are NOT allowed to attend nor lead any battles. Ergo, this war is between EGCP and ACP. No other army may declare war on either side for the duration of this war.

3. All war battles must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance with the CPA league and CPA Judges. Failure to do so will result in the invalidation of the scheduling.

4. No doxxing, ddosing, botting, multilogging, or cheating in any form.

5. No army is allowed to merge into EGCP or ACP until the conclusion of the war, following this declaration. Merges will be deemed invalid.

6. The losing army in this conflict must accept the terms of a treaty imposed by the winning force, unless there is no clear winner (by agreement of all parties).

7. A withdrawal from this conflict for any reason and in any shape or form (e.g. withdrawing from the server map, withdrawing from the CPA league, shutting your army down, etc.) will constitute a forfeit of the war.

8. Any attempt to exploit loopholes will result in a forfeit of war.

9. Any evidence of any of these war terms being breached will result in an instant defeat of the opposing side in this war. This cannot be invoked unilaterally, however, and is up to the CPA league administration.

10. All other CPA league map, and CPA: Battleground rules apply for this war. Moreover, all battles must be judged by CPAJ judges.


SavageCobra IV, Minister of State, Consul, and Leader
The Pharaoh Fitsuki, Minister of Recruitment, and Leader
Empress Lass, Minister of Lass, and Leader
Thunder222, Assistant Minister of Recruitment, and Coronel
Gutavuh, Minister of War and Consul

Guess Who's Back? Back Again?

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