CP Journey

Interviewing Soldiers - Viturwin #15

Interviewing Soldiers - Viturwin #15

Greetings, Soldiers!

Good morning, beautifull people of my heart! Here is NonoMajor da EGCP Talking! This week is finally over felt like it was 40 days ! First of all, I want to thank you for your reception of the Interviewing soldiers columns, since it was verry well received! This week's guest is someone ery dear to the army, a very active new gen soldier, who is part of the modline! A soldiers who really likes vistories! It's him, Cadet Viturwin (or just Vitor)!! I hope you like the interview, any suggestions send them to Nonoca's DM! Let the interview begin!!

Questions and answers:
Q - Question

A - Answer


Q - Who recruited you?
A -
I have a strange story about this lol, I literally recruited myself for egcp lol.

Q - What do you like and hate the most in EGCP?
A -
What I like the most is when wars happen, it gives a good feeling to beat the opponent with our effort, when we lost to ACP I didn't want the wat to end. What I have the most is when someone is online, AND DOESN'T LOG FOR THE EVENT.

Q - Do you remember your first event? if you do, which?
A - I remember more or less lol, it was a hide and seek game around March. That's what made me become active and ecome who I am today.

Q - What are your personal goals inside EGCP?
A -
My plans are to becoma sodiers of the month first and then if everything goes well becoming leader one day at some point!

Q - You have been really active in recruitment. How have you been recruiting so much?
A -
I've been very active! The real secret is to create a bound with the person before recruiting, invite them to play, talk about something they like and then mention egcp, your canches double (And you have to work hard too!)

Q - How did you get to know about Club penguin?
A - I met with my older sister when I was a kid, she introsuced me to the game, created an account for me and gave me a name that I still use in some cps lol (dokilindo)

Q - What was the moment that marked you the most since you joined? 
A - It wasn't just one lol, I have two. The first one was when I won my first daily game, I thought I was the best lol. It was a pvt. The secound was when I joined the modline. It gave me a really good feeling!

Q - what do you expect from EGCP's future?
A - I hope for a victorious and active future, where we are in the top 1 again and I'm the leader lol. Hugs guys!

Before we end, Vitor asked to add a image before the end of the interview!

Viturwin's penguin

And this is how we end this week's interview! hope you liked ir and see you next week! byye, my cuties!

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