Greetings, soldiers and the community of Club Penguin Armies.
As you are all aware, we are in a massive back-and-forth war against the Army of Club Penguin, which started on August 7th following their declaration-of-war post on their website, jokingly saying this is "karma" against our army for "distasteful" jokes and comments among other things.
However, the Army of Club Penguin was not going to leave the community fully empty handed. While their one post was very low effort and contained no true reasoning, they did clarify in their post that a new post would be arriving soon, detailing their true reasoning for this war.
This section of their post at the very end created a lot of speculation amongst people in the community, including us. We were all curious to what they were going to pull out of their ass to justify a war against us. As stated by many of us, the only reason for this war was due to our competitive status against the Army of Club Penguin, as most armies did not have the nerve inside of them to address the ego (to be fair, it's moreso Calgo's ego) of the army, but we did. We also proved in World War IX we are very capable of leading a war not only against them, but four other armies, albeit with RPF and WV on our side, of course. This war greatly humiliated Calgo to the point where he demanded that there needs to be a rule to not mention the war score, which was 32-0, as it would show his failure to take on three armies while leading an alliance of five. To add salt to the wound, during Legends Cup, while we did not win, we maxed 59 (as opposed to ACP's 61) and nearly won the battle, only losing due to the overtime. It was quite clear from the start that EGCP was the only competitor to the Army of Club Penguin in terms of size and power, which definitely influenced their decision to go to war, other than embarrassment.
This war certainly has not gone the way ACP thought it would have, either. We are an army with only one formal division, and managed to make the EU front a toss up, and put up strong fights to marginalize any losses in the AUSIA battles, which shows clearly we are a match to ACP. Not to mention our victories in the US front, of course.
A week after constant war with the army, ACP finally decided to follow through with their promise to release a post that actually addressed the reason for their declaration to war. Upon reading this post, it is safe to say the entire army community was laughing in their faces for such as a flop of a post. I will be addressing each of the concerns raised in the post.
PART I - An Offer of "Goodwill", met with Pragmatism
This section of the post goes back to the re-opening of the army in May of this year. Calgo DMed our Chancellor, Lass, asking for an alliance between the two armies, or at the very least, open relations.
In the screenshots provided, Lass rejects the alliance but does state he is open for friendly relations, something we were actually faithful towards, until World War IX, when Calgo decided to hint at a massive war, hinting at a war against us, which led to the outbreak of World War IX. For some context, ACP declared war on SWAT, but SWAT got scared and dropped all of their land, which led Calgo to hint at big news of war, promising to not leave the community empty-handed.
It is quite clear that they abandoned their interest in having any form of relations with us, which I am assuming comes from the salt of our alliance with PIC, instead of them, as well as our comment that we would see them in the future. Of course, the comment Lass made could be interpreted at anything, and ACP decided to interpret this as a call for war, which I can admit it certainly was a comment made to let them know that we intended to have friendly competition with them, notably over land at the time. However, for them to assume we did not want friendly relations while remaining competitive towards each other in terms of land and tournaments, is quite a statement to make, implying that you must ally with ACP in order to have any good relations with their army, even when competing. It is simple, we were not interested in being allies, but wanted to retain friendly competitive relations, but Calgo's ego is unable to interpret this basic principle, as he wanted to make us a satellite state like the other armies allied with him.
ACP then decided to ridicule us for our decision to ally with the People's Imperial Confederation. They make the claim that we were liars, as we previously stated our intentions to only ally with Help Force and Water Vikings. However, we were not lying, as our leadership's diplomatic policy originally was to be relatively isolated from the community and have minimal allies, but we ultimately decided to open ourselves up to allying with some S/M armies, which was a practice we notably took part back in 2018-2019, notably with the New Viking Alliance, with the goal of helping the S/M community.
Lastly in this section, ACP provides these screenshots claiming that we wanted conflict with ACP the whole time due to their revival in 2019, based on a screenshot with our AUSIA leader, Izzy. They continue this stating that our spotlight was "stolen" by ACP, as they rose to become the second army of the time. Furthermore, we are then criticized for inconsistent stories, as Izzy's story of us having resentment towards ACP due to the past, and Edu claiming we never had any hostile relations in the past, are inconsistent. If you were present in the community at the time, or actually knew the whole story at least, you would know there was not hostile relations at all between the Army of Club Penguin and the Elite Guardians, in fact, EGCP was on a steady decline due to lack of interest, so any army getting above us was not even much of an accomplishment, nor of much concern to us, as we felt our time in the community as over with at the time. All respect to my fellow International Division leader, Izzy, but she was not present in the army, let alone the geopolitical scene in 2019, to actually know what occurred back then, so her claims that we hated ACP over "history" is absolutely false, and rather we just wanted competition between the two largest armies.
This first section is just the beginning of a post of baseless (and admittedly, useless) claims against our army, all fueled by ego.
Part II – Justifiable Resentment
The post goes onto address the post-WWIX conduct within the army, which saw a notable rise in hostility towards ACP. They use examples of comments we made, such as future conflict, and GarcticPhone events making vulgar representations of the Army of Club Penguin.
They go on to claim that despite our claims for non-aggression, we broke them by bad mouthing the Army of Club Penguin, and posting a call for war (as shown in the bottom screenshot above). While, yes, we did want non-aggression, we abandoned this principle altogether as war seemed more inevitable against their army (as the days counted towards Legends Cup and the end of the post-WWIX treaty). To be fair, however, can you blame us for the resentment? ACP teased at war against us, so we went to war, and after badly destroying them in the war, leading to a de facto victory, Calgo BADLY needed a term that prevented our success being mentioned, as his ego was brought down a couple levels - hence our tactic that says "CALGO'S EGO IS SO FRAGILE IT NEEDS BUBBLE WRAP".
Part III – The ACP Flag Sucks
foda-se kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Part IV – Dark Vikings Drama
This section really details what is wrong with the community, the inability to take a joke. They claim that we support the actions of the Dark Vikings, which is certainly not the case. We even have rules in our army that bans behavior that is considered homophobic, transphobic, etc. However, we do believe in irony, hence Edu's claims that "DV DID NOTHING WRONG".
While, if you took everything at face value, I'd understand if you would take this joke seriously. However, the people at EGCP do have a sense of humor, so making this comment was meant to point out the irony that DV said really stupid comments and got banned, so Edu made the somewhat antagonistic comment for the sake of irony, of course it is a little "edgy", but it's definitely less "edgy" than doing the things that Dark Vikings did in their events. To make it even funnier, this has been a common trend of saying "X has done nothing wrong" in the CPA chat during controversy.
They also address how we let the Dark Vikings inside of the army with "open arms", and then criticized us for allowing them to make a "KKK" joke.
First and foremost, as long as they do not do anything to directly effect our community, and do anything that is actually dangerous to others, like posting people's doxxes all over and hacking people, then we have no reason to ban them from entry, especially since they are not enemies of our army. While we condemn their actions, they have not acted badly towards us and have not genuinely put people in harm. If evidence comes of this, we will act accordingly.
To address their KKK joke, Thunder, the leader of the Dark Vikings, was in our chat and made a joke calling the Army Republic the "KKK Army", due to the ghost uniform presumably. We did not incite this joke at all, or really act upon it, but our rules do say that edgy jokes can be allowed as long as nobody is harassed or put through discomfort, which appears to not have happened. Of course, if this did happen, we do apologize.
Part V – Brotherhood, not Troopstealing
Lastly, ACP makes the claims that we were attempting to troopsteal their troops. Obviously, this is not true at all and we have evidence to back this all up.
These are the screenshots provided as "evidence" of Edu attempting to "troopsteal" Brazilian ACP enlistee KungKang. However, this is taken completely out of context to the whole situation that actually occurred. Picture below.
Here, KungKang (shown as Unkn0wn here) is seen talking about how they came to the EGCP Discord from ACP, and are intending on chatting a little, and potentially joining. Of course, this was prior to the war, but this still gives some context to know that KungKang has some heart towards EGCP due to their Brazilian nationality. Furthermore, it is important to note that Edu's messages saying "he will come to the right side" and "i am taking him with me" are purely jokes, as again, KungKang is a Brazilian, and us Brazilians are fairly nationalist and look out for one another, which really sticks out in this community due to the Brazilian minority in the community.
As shown above, they also provided some chat logs that allude to the fact that previous messages were sent in Portuguese towards KungKang from Edu, which prompted Calgo to say "I literally just translated that". What was said was this: "Why do you prefer to stay in a foreign army as opposed to a Brazilian army?". This is not a case of troopstealing, although if you took it at face value I could understand why you would think like this. Like I mentioned before, this is a case of us Brazilians looking out for each other in this community, as we are very nationalist. Given that KungKang has before mentioned that he was interested in joining, it did prompt us to at least deliver the question.
Here is yet another piece of "evidence" provided to justify their claims of us troopstealing. Here, Fitsuki is seen talking about the Legends Cup with this ACP troop and is asking if they would like to help out and attend for EGCP. While this does look bad to an extent, there is context that is not provided by ACP regarding the situation.
What I have provided here is a screenshot with a conversation between Fitsuki and ZoomXT, a whole month prior to the DMs in the screenshot ACP provided. In this screenshot, Zoom makes it clear that he intends on helping out EGCP with events, which prompted Fitsuki to call upon him during Legends Cup. During Legends Cup, we were calling upon our veterans and all of our relevant troops and people who said they would attend for EGCP, so naturally, Zoom was DMed. Zoom stating he intended on helping out EGCP gave what we felt was reasonable cause to call upon him if we needed help, and therefore, Fitsuki DMed him and wouldn't have done so otherwise.
EGCP would never resort to troopstealing at all. This is a horrible practice that has been frowned upon for many years, and is just simply wrong. Besides, EGCP is not in a position where would we need to knowingly troopsteal, as we are already a contender for the top army in the current community (the other being ACP, of course).
It is quite clear that ACP tried to scurry and find anything they could use against us to justify a war with us, to hide the fact that we are purely competition and a threat to their power. Their attempts to humble us will not work, even if they win the war. Know this, we will fight this war to the end and make sure Calgo's ego and treatment of others becomes addressed.
I hope any future posts from the Army of Club Penguin addressing this war are not as embarrassing like this post they have released. All you had to do to avoid this embarrassment of a post was be honest that the only reason for this war in the first place, was revenge for WWIX and because we threaten your ego-filled empire.
On behalf of the Elite Guardians, as the Ministress of State...
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Credit to HistoryLover |
- Yellow, Elite Guardians Leader of the International Division & Ministress of State
Follow up post coming soon.
incrível texto, não sei se bato palmas ou punheta
ResponderExcluirpo cara, parabens ai velho, de boa, muito legal isso. contei pra todos aqui da minha familia, todos acharam muito surpreendente e pediram pra te dar os parabens, queriam falar com você pessoalmente se possivel para lhe parabenizar. disseram também que na festa de natal irão contar para os parentes mais distantes e no ano novo lançarão baterias de fogos com seu nome. contei esse seu feito também para alguns outros parentes mais próximos, reagiram tal qual minha familia, pediram seu endereço para mandar cartões e mensagem de parabenização. meus amigos não acreditaram quando eu disse que conhecia o dono desse feito tão imenso, sério, ficaram todos de boca aberta, disseram que farão seu nome ecoar por anos e anos. quando os vizinhos ficaram sabendo do feito, ficaram todos boquiabertos, quiseram saber quem é você, pediu se, caso você tiver tempo, é claro, de poderia passar aqui para receber presentes, congratulações e apertos de mãos. com o esparrame da sua noticia, um grande empresario da região decidiu te contratar como presidente da empresa graças a esse seu surepreendente feito e ao mesmo tempo um grande acionista internacional quer patrocinar shows para você para palestrar e ensinar todos a fazerem igual para que o mundo seja um lugar melhor. você não só está famoso aqui na região quanto aí mas também em todas as partes, todos sabem quem é você graças ao rápido esparrame da notícia, prefeitos de todas as cidades estão pendurando faixas, balões, teleféricos, instalando aparelhos de som, tudo o que possa fazer seu nome vibrar para ver qual cidade te consagra mais por esse seu feito magnifico. aqui na minha cidade mesmo cada rua terá seu sobrenome a partir da próxima gestão da administração municipal. muitos países que antes viam o brasil com maus olhos, agora, graças ao seu feito, vêm o brasil como um exemplo, como uma nova capacitação, os grandes sortudos que sabem sobre você diz "ei, aquele cara é brasileiro" e todos replicam imediatamente "é! é! é! o brasil é um bom lugar". Graças a isso o turismo aumentou no brasil, todos vieram para cá graças a você, a entrada de moedas internacionais foi grande fazendo as bolsas e ações brasileiras decolarem e assim o brasil se tornou o pilar para solução da crise mundial. Graças a isso somos bem vistos e, claro, somos a maior potencia economica do mundo. todos os madeireiros se comoveram com seu feito e decidiram parar de explorar a amazonia para que o mundo viva mais e mais. o caos por conta do presidente negro nos estados unidos foi cessado graças ao fato do brasil ser o lider economico mundial, uma vez sendo um país de varias etnias, todos passaram a aceitar as diferenças com amor no coração. o papa mandou todos os seus representantes pelo mundo falar sobre seu nome e sobre seus feitos para que a palavra sobre vossa pessoa chegue aos ouvidos de cada criatura que ande sobre a face desse planeta. Também, graças ao seu feito, decidiram cessar os experimentos com o LHC já que a origem do universo se torna sem importancia perto da magnitude desse seu ato. Os Maias voltaram de andromeda e disseram que como existe um humano tão magnifico vivo eles iriam dar a chance de nós sobrevivermos em 2012, contaram então sobre o que poderia causar o fim do mundo, e todos os lideres de todas as nações, inspirados nesse seu feito, estão tomando providencias para que não ocorra. a magnitude desse seu feito acabou até com o magnetismo que expulsou o corpo celeste alfa que habitava a órbita da terra. Em nome desse seu feito, Akira Toryama resolveu continuar com as sagas de dragon ball, desta vez com um personagem dedicado a você. Willian Bonner e Jô Soares ao se despedirem toda noite mandam uma saudação para o Brasil e uma somente para você. Continue sempre assim, essa pessoa linda, maravilhosa, esforçada, inspiradora, magnifica, espitufenda, criativa, etc. E continue sempre fazendo atos como estes que o mundo será cada vez mais um lugar melhor para se viver. Continue assim cara, e se sobrar um tempo visites todos os citados, ninguem acredita que eu troco mensagens virtuais.