CP Journey

[New CP] Pin Tracker: Circus Tent Pin!


Hello, soldiers! Welcome to another Guardians' Gazette Pin Tracker! Right now, on the New Club Penguin island, there is a new hidden pin. Keep reading the post in order to find out its location!

To redeem a new pin on New CP, you have to access the room where it is located and just click on it with your mouse. 

Without any further delay, the Circus Tent Pin is located in the... Iceberg!

The Pin equipped in the inventory is too pretty, right?

Bear in mind that the New CP pins remain available for only one week. Therefore, do not waste any more time! Go get your pin! 

I hope you liked the miniguide! Thank you for reading, and don't forget to leave a comment below!

See you next time, soldiers! 

~ Guido, Guardians' Gazette Associate Editor

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