CP Journey

What If? #1 - EGCP never revived


Greetings, soldiers!

We are thrilled to introduce our new column, entitled “What If?”.This column will explore scenarios inspired by events that have occurred in EGCP’s history.

In the first edition of the column, we will be covering the following question: “What if EGCP had never been revived?”. So, while we answer this question, stay tuned for more Guardians’ Gazette content hosted by the Guardians’ Gazette Reporting team!

1. The Club Penguin Army community without EGCP

One of the contributions that we have made to the CPA community is that we represent its very first non-English-speaking army. Our presence has brought a diverse and multicultural aspect to the CPA that would undoubtedly be missed. We gave opportunities for people who speak our native language (Portuguese) to participate in the CPA, which has helped to expand the community’s horizons.

As one of the more diverse armies in the CPA community, we have also been leaders in creating a more welcoming atmosphere for non-English speaking members. Our participation in various events and battles has helped to show people from different linguistic backgrounds that they are welcomed and encouraged to participate in the CPA’s activities.

Secondly, the events and wars that took place under the EGCP banner would have been altered or potentially never occurred, leading to a ripple effect that could have changed the course of Club Penguin Army history.

If EGCP never came back from its hiatus in 2020, another army would likely have taken its place as the dominant force in the community. However, they would not have been able to replace the unique culture and impact that EGCP had on the community.

2. Members Of EGCP Would Most Likely Join Another Army

If EGCP never revived and shut down permanently, the majority of its members would likely have joined another Club Penguin army. Many of the Elites’ members were dedicated to the army community and had strong relationships with other soldiers. Without EGCP, they would likely seek out other opportunities to continue their passion for Club Penguin armies. 

Individuals who were particularly loyal to EGCP may have initially struggled to find a new home, but the vast majority would be welcomed with open arms into other armies. Many of these troops would bring their experience and skills to new armies, making them stronger and more successful.

While some members may have quit the Club Penguin army community completely due to the loss of EGCP, many others would have found new communities and experiences in other armies. This is the nature of the community. 

Overall, while the lack of EGCP would have undoubtedly made a significant impact on the community, it likely would not have resulted in the end of the Club Penguin army community or the end of the bonds that existed between its members.

3. EGCP’s Influence Would Continue To Be Felt In The Community

Even if EGCP never came back from their hiatus, their influence on the community would still be felt to this day. The Elites were known for their innovative tactics, strong leadership, wars, and dedication to the Club Penguin Army community.

EGCP also had a significant impact on the development of the Club Penguin Army community. They helped shape the culture of the community and contributed to its growth and popularity. The Elites were known for their professionalism, organization, tactical prowess, and having huge wars such as the RPF war, and the TCP war. Which would set a standard for other armies to aim for.

Furthermore, many influential members of the Club Penguin army community started their careers in EGCP. Such as BOBS, Victoria484, Erizy, and Pedrox.  These leaders, who may have gone on to lead or influence other armies themselves, would have carried their EGCP experience with them, continuing to promote the values and techniques of the Elites.


In conclusion, even if EGCP never came back from their hiatus, their impact on the Club Penguin army community would still be significant. Their legacy would continue to be felt by other armies and players, and their influence would continue to shape the community for years to come.

Thank you for exploring the potential outcomes for EGCP with us. Remember, we can not know for sure what would happen in the future. Still, we have discussed our impact on the community, the possibility of members starting new armies, and a world without their presence. Stay tuned for more content on the Gazette! What would you like to read in the next issues?

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