CP Journey

[CP Journey] 1st Anniversary Party Guide of CP Journey - February 2024


Hey, soldiers! Welcome to the newest post of Guardians' Gazette! Today, who talks to you its me, Toddyn, Specialist Pety Officer of EGCP and Reporter of Gazette, and I'll cover the biggest part of this amazing party in CP Journey, the 1st Anniversary Party! So, let's go with this!
Before we begin, let's explore around the island, as we have several hidden and secret items to be picked up at this party. Keep an eye out so you don't miss anything!

Right away, at Migrator, we have a little catalog.
Don't miss your chance to get these items, they probably won't come back!
Let's now go to the Box Shop, and here, we have a lot of secret items to be picked up. 
Right away, we can get one (or more) Portal Box, where we can go to the Box Dimension!
Still here, if we throw snowballs in the "Splatter Painting", we can get two backgrounds:
The "Forest Splatter Background" and the "Coffee Shop Splatter Background"!
See both backgrounds below:
Now, to finish, let's head towards the Pizza Parlor. There, we will press the red tie that is above the piano, and we will get the last hidden item, the "Heart Background"!
Let's start talking about the party! First, we have two main quests to be covered here, one of them is the trivia, which we already made a post about. The other task will be explained point by point in this post here, so keep calm! The second part of this quest is the CP Journey 1st Birthday Cake Ingredient Scavenger Hunt. So, let's go!
The first screen we saw when we pressed the candy icon is this: "Cake Scavenger Hunt"
Our mission will be to collect each of these items and complete our cake and open the 
Coffee Shop door. To make it easier, I will show each of the ingredients in order.
The first item is the cake candles! They are behind the Boiler Room, which is below the Night Club.
Right away, you'll see the candles and pick up the first item!
Soon after, we head towards the Box Store, which is located in Snow Forts
(see below how to get there) and grab the second ingredient we will use!
The next ingredient we will get is in a secret room exclusive in CP Journey!
To access it, go to the Pizza Parlor and go to the circled area in the screenshot below, 
and right away you will see the next item! 
(I thought the idea of ​​this room was really cool, I’ve never seen anything like it!)
The fourth item we're going to get is in the Lodge Attic
To go there, go to the second floor of the Ski Lodge and the ingredient will be 
on the red couch on the left of the room!
The next room (guess it) is also in a secret room! Now, to access it we need to go 
to the Ski Lodge again and enter the door marked below, and we will get the item!
(so much creativity to place these items, I'm enjoying it!)
Now, we'll go to Migrator to get the next ingredient, the cake!
Inside, we will see all the junk that is in place along with our beloved cake.
The penultimate item is a little difficult to find in the first time, but it is hidden
at the bottom left in the Plaza, near the entrance to Snow Forts!
(it took me a long time to find this one, lol)
The last item on our journey is the cake topper, which is hidden in the Box Dimension,
and to access it, we have two ways: The first way we go to the Box Store and go
to the portal, or we buy the Portal Box (shown earlier in the post!)
Soon after we finish collecting all the ingredients, we will finally earn the Coffee Shop Key
Now that we got it, we can see what's special there and how the Birthday Cake is.
(I'm feeling hungry right now).
And here is our reward! Here in this room, we have a lot of things to do!
First of all, the candles in the circled area above will be lit. 
If you click there, you will earn the "Celebration" stamp!
Right at the bottom, we have an open gift box with a lot of party hats!
If you click on them, you will win the exclusive "CPJ 1st Year Party Hat"!
Get it before the party ends, I'm almost sure he won't come back!
And, an easter egg, if you wear it and dance, confetti will come out on top of your penguin!
(I thought it was cool that they remembered small details)
Now at the top of the Coffee Shop (Book Room) we have one more thing, CPJ's Yearbook
Here, as usual, we have all the important events for Club Penguin Journey in its first year of life, the dedication of their team is to be envied! Congratulations on this incredible party!
And finally, we finish the sensational Club Penguin Journey 1st Anniversary Party! I particularly enjoyed so much this party, it had been a long time since I saw such strong dedication, so I would like to hear from you, what did you think of this event? Comment below!

For now its this, guardians! I hope this guide has helped you in some way, and I thank everyone who read to the end. See you next time. Waddle On!

~ Toddynho, Guardians' Gazette Reporter

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