CP Journey

[CP Journey] June's Catalog

 Zero Grau, Guardian's Gazette

Hey folks, Welcome to another Guardian's Gazette whos talking is AG, Chief Petty Officer and today we will go trough the new Club Penguin Journey's Catalog, this time, the catalog has many summer items,16 secrets and we will go trough them all.




On the first page, you can see two penguins in beach clothes, on one side, a penguin with feminine clothes and hair and flip-flops and on the other side, we can see a penguin with beach shorts, a necklace and his dreadlocks, on this page we have two secrets, which are circled in blue and in the secrets there is an orange skirt with some flowers and in the second secret a flower necklace.

On the second page, we still see the penguins on the beach, with the penguins being next to the sea wearing blue clothes this time, except for the last penguin who has pink clothes, on one side, we have a lifeguard completely in blue and with red glasses, the second penguin is completely in blue, with a swimsuit with a full skirt, and the last penguin has a pink top and swim trunks and blue flippers, there are 3 secrets on this page, one on the foot of the first penguin, another on the star in the middle of the second penguin's suit and the last on the shoulder of the third penguin.

On the third page, we can see the Dance Club, where we can see another penguin with swimming trunks and a necklace, and on the other side of the page, a penguin with beautiful hair with a flower bow, on this page, we have 2 secrets, one in the necklace of the first penguin and the second in the mixing table of the Dance Club.

On the fourth page, we can see a penguin sitting with a very charming mustache and a penguin with cute pink hair with a bow, on this page, we have two secrets, circled in a slightly darker red than the previous one, being a watermelon shirt and a hair with a flower and a shorter hair than the first penguin.

On the fifth page, we have a penguin from the modern indigenous tribes, with a Tiki mask and a strawberry ice cream in his hand, and on the other side, we have a penguin with blond hair and blue swimming trunks, ready to swim a little. In this room, we have two secrets, as on other pages, they are circled in red here in the newspaper, one on the rock next to the penguin from the tribes and another, also next to the same penguin, in the shell. In the secrets, we have a non-alcoholic drink and a pink life jacket.

On the sixth page, we can see 3 penguins, the first one with warmer clothes like a coat, sunglasses hidden in his brown hair, the second penguin, beautiful blonde hair and a green scarf and the last penguin, a beautiful gray cap and gray shorts, on this page there are two secrets, one in the blonde hair and the other in the string of the gray shorts, the secrets on this page are, a diving suit and blonde hair.

On the seventh and penultimate page, we have a penguin in a swimming suit and his pink goggles, and a penguin in an old scuba diving suit, in this room we have two secrets, you can see them circled in red here, one in the first penguin's goggles and the second in a bubble next to the second penguin, the secrets are, a shark suit and a scuba mask.


On the last page that we will see in this post, we have a penguin with an inflatable octopus suit, and the penguin section in this month's work, which is a lifeguard penguin, on this last page, we have only one secret, and the last secret is circled in dark red and in the binoculars next to it, the secret of the moment is a binocular.

Thanks for reading and Waddle On

AG, Chief Petty Officer, Gazettes Reporter

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