CP Journey

[Club Penguin Journey] New Snow & Sports Catalog!


Salute, Soldiers!

Who writes this post is Brigadier Major Kedi Wain and today I'm going to show you the new sports catalog in Club Penguin Journey, so without further ado, let's get to the post!



The sports catalog is located (obviously) in the Sports Shop, Ski Village, but some may think it is in the Stadium (like in other CPPSes like NewCP) because of the big spoiler of a PSA mission in which this CPPS that I mentioned are all available, except in CPJ which only goes up to Mission 9: Operation: Spy & Seek.

If you are curious and want to see this spoiler, here is the link to the latest PSA mission.

But without further ado, let's go to the catalog that was launched together with the Summer Kickoff Party!


With these soccer jerseys it is possible to earn the Extreme Soccer Team Stamp, in which you need 5 penguins with the same color as the shirt, or team if you prefer, in the Stadium to obtain this stamp. Plus, if you just use the soccer ball and press D, your penguin will perform the special embaixadinha dance! Onward, Sharks!


It's boys time! Like a beautiful American football game (ours is still better), the Stadium has also changed its design to look like a green field. But... where is the yellow jersey? Apparently, not even the original CP had a yellow variant, let alone the CPJ!


It's girls time! These face paints are very cheap (15 coins) and are the items I love to collect along with the aviator glasses, not to mention that if you wave (press W) with just this item, your penguin will hold up a sign saying "GO BLUE/ RED/GREEN/YELLOW" depending on the paint color you use.


Have you ever imagined being the coach of your team or preparing for the next game? With these tracksuits you can watch the other penguins sweat while sipping a Cream Soda in the bleachers!



And that's it, folks! I hope you enjoyed the new sports catalog and embodied your inner athlete and we'll see you in the next Gazette post!

==Kedi Wain, Brigadier Major

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