CP Journey

[Club Penguin Journey] Tutorial of the Operation: The Veggie Villain


Greetings, soldiers!

Welcome to another edition of our Guardians' Gazette!Today, we were surprised with news of a new investigation event in Club Penguin Journey related to the PSA. In this guide, we're going to help you solve this mystery. Without further ado, let's get to it.



As soon as you log into your account, you will be surprised by a dialog with the Rookie.

- Hiya, friend! I cound use your help over at the Gift Shop. Some weird stuff happened over there, and I nned some help looking around.
- I was told to keep this a secret, but I think I can trust you with this. Will you help?
- Sure, let's head right over! ( 1st First option)

When you get to the Gift Shop, go and talk to Rookie, who is next to the fitting room

- Hey there! It's awesome to see you again.
- Same to you, Rookie. Looks like this place was turned upside down...( 1st First option)
- What? Oh, the mess! I was just trying some wigs on. Not much to report. Everything seems a-okay.
- What about the missing chair?( 1st First option)
- No worries there, the chair's right here! I almost didn't see it myself. Maybe you should see if G will design you some glasses like mine. They're super useful!
- Rookie, how many chairs are there supposed to be in the Gift Shop?( 1st First option)
- Well,  there's usually two... oh, my! There's only one here! The other chair's missing!
- Hmm... what do you think about the tracks leading out the door?( 1st First option)
- Oh... yes. I thought those tracks looked suspiciously un-penguin-like. I'll put up some tape around the scene!
- Carry on, Rookie.(1st option)
- Right, talk to you later.

After talking to Rookie, pick up the corn seeds next to the chair.

Now enter the door at the bottom of the store.

On entering the room, talk to Jet Pack Guy

- Yo, how's it going?
- Hey, Jet Pack Guy. What have you found?( 1st First option)
- Found? Not exactly. It's more what I CAN'T find. The computer was taken.
- Right. A missing computer. And some odd tracks.( 1st First option)
- Good eye, Agent. I'll finish securing the area. Have a look around.

When you've finished talking, take another bunch of seeds from under the table.

Then, above the map icon, pick up your ringing cell phone. When you answer, Gary wants you to go to HQ.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to teleport to the HQ automatically. You'll have to get there on foot.

1. Open your map and go to the Ski Village.

2.Enter the Winter Sport cabin.

3. Enter the first fitting room.

Now at HQ, talk to Gary.

- Agent! We have a code red emergency!
- What's happening, G? ( 1st First option)
- I suspect the PSA main computer is being taken over! Someone's trying to break into our system!
- Just as we suspected. YOU are responsible!
- Indeed, my fowl friends. It is I. Herbert P. Bear, Esquire. And once again, I have defeated you with my superiority.
- Does that mean you think you're better than us?
Mwah ha ha. Of course I am!
- And you, little penguin....
I still haven't shown you my formal gratitude for providing me with the use of your spy phone the last time we met.
- Oh! You're welco... Oh. Uh. Oh. I mean... You're NOT welcome.
- Keep him talking. I'll work on the computers.
So. Uh. Hey, I have a question: What did the polar bear say about the Igloo?
- Pardon me? Seriously?
He said...."I love it! Crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside!”
I'm a vegetarian, you daft creature!
We know what you're up to. ( 1st First option)
Do you now? I'm patient, but I don't have enough patience to wait until you guess my genius plan. It'll never happen.
As you can see, I've completely taken over the PSA main computer.
I now have all the information on your computers.
In mere seconds I will expose PSA to the entire Club Penguin. All channels. All frequencies.
Well put, Klutzy. The Penguin SECRET Agency won't be so secret. Its cover blown to smithereens.
Wow! That's...  That's mean, Herbert. It took me forever to become a secret agent.
I had to take the test fourty four times!
I'm done with my plans being wrecked. I'm sick of the annoyances.
I want to be able to do whatever I wish. Whenever I want. Whenever I wish! AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME!
I've temporarily locked-down the PSA mainframe. It'll stop Herbert from using our technology, but we can't use it either.
Unfortunately, that won't stop his broadcast.
- What are our orders, G? ( 1st First option)
First, go to the Ski Village and shut down Herbert's broadcast. We cannot let him compromise our identity.
Then find him and apprehend him once and for all.
- Right!

Now go back to the Ski Village

Welcome, one and all, to a very special show.
- I am your host, Herbert P. Bear, Esquire....
Oh, no! It's started! What do we do?
We have to find a way to stop this broadcast. ( 1st First option)
I've got an idea! No one can see the movie... if they close their eyes!
Hey! Close all your eyes! It's much more fun than a movie!
- ...
- Hmm... I wonder why that didn't work...
It's too bad we can't just put in another movie...
Rookie, that's a great idea! A movie would block the signal! ( 1st First option)
You could probably put a movie on the projection device I found.

To find the movie, open the map and head towards The Lighthouse.

Inside The Lighthouse, look at the piano, pick up the record and then the wiper to clean it.

Now go back to the Ski Village again, and click on the projector.

Insert from disk by clicking on the top button

- Shortly I will begin a very special public announcement... but first just a few more facts about myself!
I'm a brilliant genius with amazing schemes.
Oh, no! We can't see him, but we can still hear him!
Right, we will have to track his signal to the source. ( 1st First option)
I think it might be able to do that from the strange box on the side of the projector...
Go to the projector again and open the box with screws


You will come across a mini-game

You have to hit all the colors to complete the mini-game. When you take your shot, press CHECK.

Wrong Color, Wrong Place
Right color, wrong place
Right color, right place

When you finish the mini-game, a new dialog will open.

Did you track the signal?
Yes, it is coming from the Mine Shack. ( 1st First option)
Great! I'll go ahead and report back to G, while you try and stop the signal.

Open the map and go to the Mine.

To the right of the mine is a cornfield. Go inside the cornfield.

Inside the plantation, pick up the torn paper on the ground and go to the right of the map.

Pick up the plank that's on the ground and then go underneath it.

Pick up the paper on the floor and go back to where you came from.

Pick up the paper on the floor.

Now to enter the other stage of the maze, follow these steps:

Now throw snowballs at the lever holding up the ladder.

Oh dear! It looks like you've pulled the plug on my little computer take-over. You've foiled my plans again.
Give it up, Herbert. There's no escape from this... ( 1st First option)
HA! When you unplugged my computer, you fixed the ASP technology.
All PSA technology! Including my phone's teleporter!
- Say hello to the penguin in the lab coat and silly glasses, and give him this gift from me!

- Agent! You're back! What's happened? Where's Herbert? And what's this?
- Oh, my ... This looks like a souped-up popcorn popper...
Look! The clock is broken - it's counter-clockwise!
At last My plan has worked perfectly. One more little question for you...
Do you happen to know how much popcorn it takes to destroy a building?
Well, I do!
So long, you fine fowl fools! I've got the upper paw!
Now if you'll excuse us, we've got the PSA HQ to stop... I mean POP!
We're closed!
Agents, we don't have much time. Try and find a way out of here while I try to disarm the machine!

Don't go out the door!!! use the secret passage on the right.

Then click on the colored fan 

Your goal is to match the colors like a magic cube.

When completed, a new dialog will appear.

- Wow, ace! Nobody's ever opened this door without clearence before.
- Who are you? ( 1st First option)
Let's say I'm just a friend.
Dot! We need to evacuate immediately!
How much time have we got?
Only seconds! If you're going to do something, now's the time! ( 1st First option)
PSA technology is down, but the EPF's is fine! My teleporter works. Prepare to be moved out!
Oh no! THE HQ! It's been destroyed!
Yes, it seems so Rookie. But the most important thing is that we're all safe. *Phone rings*
Hello? Yes. I understand.
I'm impressed, ace. I've heard a lot about you, and it seems that what I heard was true.
- Who ARE you?( 2nd Second option)
Listen, I can't tell you everything you want to know. But I can say that we've been watching you, and we think you'd be perfect for our special EPF unit...
- What's the EPF? ( 1st First option)
I'll let G give you the info, Agent.
But... what about the PSA? ( 1st First option)
 Excuse me, Agents. It was The Director on the phone, and I've been given some important information.
It seems that Herbert's attack has disabled all PSA's resources.
The HQ has been reduced to rubble, and what's left could take a lot of work to get back online.
And seeing that Herbert was able to steal a lot of info from our computers, all this means...
Means what, G?
It means that the PSA is out of commission... for now. We will make efforts to rebuild the HQ amd the ASP systems in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, we wll put more resources into our co-agency, The Elite Penguin Force.
Loud and clear, Sir! I'll dust off my badge...
Wait, what's going on here? What is this Elite Penguin Force? ( 1st First option)
Agent, I can't say too much in the view of the public...
But what I can say is that the EPF is a ultra-top secret unit that protects the island. They'll be taking over this operation for the time being.
Understood, G, but...what about me? ( 1st First option)
Well, like I said, we've been keeping an eye on you, ace. Maybe the EPF has plans for you...
We'll have to see what the future holds...
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to dig my way into my lab...
And we may as well enjoy the popcorn for now!
Anything else to add, ace?
It's not over yet. We WILL catch Herbert once and for all... ( 1st First option)
That's the spirit! Herbert won't get away with this.

Once the dialog is over, you will receive the medal for mission 11, thus completing the event.


And that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed this post, and I'll see you in another edition of the Guardian's Gazette!!

>>NiekTH, Major and Gazette Reporter

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