CP Journey

[CPJ] Mission 8 Guide: Mysterious Tremors


Good morning, good afternoon and good evening!

Salute, soldiers! The person writing this article is Brigadier Major Kedi Wain and today I'm going to cover the newest PSA Mission 8 in Club Penguin Journey, now without further ado, let's get to the post!


Gary is using a machine that looks like a seismograph with a giant stethoscope on the floor. When you click on it, the screen shakes!
Agent - thanks for coming so quickly. We have an unusual case for you today...
Are you ready for your briefing?

I'm ready G. What's going on here? (first option)
Let's start at the beginning. As I'm sure you know, tremors began about a week ago...
They were thought yo be earthquakes, but were so strange thet the PSA began investigating.

What do you mean by 'strange'? (first option)
As in, there's no way these could be happening naturally...
Club Penguin is normally very paceful. We do experience what are known a ice-tremors, but according to my geographical calculations...

Wow nice drawings, but what do they mean? (third option)
Simply put, we believe something, or someone, is causing these tremors on purpose.
I think I have an idea who's behind this... (second option)
The PSA wants to gather evidence first, but we have suspicions Herbert may be involved...
This seismograph is keeping of the earthquakes. When the next one hits, it will tell us where it's coming from, and we want tou to investigate.
Here we go! According to these readings, that tremor started at the Docks...
Head out there and report back if you find anything.

Understood. I'll get to the bottom of this. (first option)
Good luck, Agent.

Grab the hammer and brown hat and go to the Docks.

 You're right, it's Herbert behind all this!
Hello again Agent. So good to see you.
Herbert! I should have known you were behind this! (first option)
Surprised to see me?
Do you like my drill? I've put that clock gear to good use, wouldn't you say?

That's a drill? Looks more like an air conditioner on wheels. (second option)
Laugh while you can Agent, because this time the joke's on you...
With this drill I've dug a number of tunnels beneath the island, and now we're going to have a little fun...

That will never happen. I've stopped you before and I'll stop you now. (third option)
We'll see Agent. I'm afraid I'm quite prepared for you this time.
We're going yo play a little game, you and I...
I'm going to shake things up a bit, and while you're waddling around doing damage control, I'm going to make a small pick up...
I'm sure you will find this quite challenging...
The tunnels I've dug lead all over the isalnd, and without this map, you'll never find your way...

The wind blows and takes the map from Herbert's hand.
Ah, the map, Klutzy, take it!
No, Klutzy, don't take it!
Ummm. Well. No matter. I have the tunnels memorized. You have no chance of defeating me...
Well, back to work. Take care Agent, and remember to bundle up. I have a feeling things are about to become much chillier.
AHAHAHAHA! Don't reverse this time! so long Agent!

Take the lamp that Klutzy left and go to the Town, following the map pieces. One of them gets stuck on the Night Club sign, so go to the Coffee Shop.

 The Coffee Shop attendant is tidying everything up after the tremors.
Would you look at this mess...?
Although ii's not like this is the first time rhis place has been turned upside down. and considering the Gift Shop, I guess it could be worse.

Here, I'll help you clean the cookies up. (second option)
Hey, thanks! I appreciate that.

Hey, thanks again. Help yourself to some cookies. They're on the house!
Wow! Thank you! (first option)
No problem, here you go.

Take the cookie and return to the Town. Place the hat on the green puffle and then the cookie, this way he will get the first part of the map. Before following the other bit, talk to the two penguins worried about the Gift Shop.
Be careful! Don't get too close!
Whoa! What happened here? (first option)
I was just standing here when the ground started shaking...!
The next thing I know, the Gift Shop started sinking!

Was anyone hurt? (first option)
I don't think so, but look at all the damage. How are we going to fix it?

Go to Snow Forts and the second piece sticks to the flag, you try to pick it up but it breaks off and flies to the Plaza.

The paper has stuck to a newspaper that the green penguin is reading.
Ahaha! Take that, Puzzle Shuffle! You're no match for me!
Hey, could I see that newspaper? (second option)
Sorry friend, but I'm not finished with it just yet, Still have the jokes and poems to read.
Though I wish I could have a delicious double meat pizza, extra grey fish right now. But I'm not going to risk losing my place in the line to get one.
Go to the Pizza Parlor to order the pizza that the penguin wants so much.

Hello, is there anything I can get you?
Double meat pizza with extra grey fish please! (first option)
Sure thing. One nice warm pizza coming right up.
Pick up the pizza and give it to the penguin.
Gazdooks! Now that's the stuff! I was starving, Is there anything I can do for you in return?
I'll trade you for your newspaper. (second option)
You bet. It's all yours my friend.

The text varies each time you start the mission
You have restored the map! But before you go after Herbert, go to the Beach and get a hammock, then enter the Lighthouse.

 A penguin is tying balloons on the Stage.
Hello. Can I help you?
Hey, do you mind if I take some of these balloons? (first option)
Help yourself! I'm done with them, so you can have the whole box.

Take the box and in the same place a penguin is having trouble keeping the barrels in place.

I can't contain the barrels!
Are they safe enough to take with me? (second option)
I think so. They should be safe to carry with you, but watch out! If you shake it, it might blow up!
Take the barrel and return to the Gadget Room.
Hello again Agent. The seismograph is still picking up unusual activity. Did you discover anything unusual at the Docks?
I'll say" Herbert is digging underneath Club Penguin with a giant drill! (first option)
What? So Herbert IS responsible for this?
He said he's digging tunnels underneath Club Penguin to make a distraction. (first option)
Anything else?

He had a map, but it blew away.
Alright, we must act quickly...
Your mission now: discover Herbert's plan and stop him at any cost. Investigate the tunnels and track him down. Also, search for the missing map, it may be crucial...
I shall scramble our field agents at once, and...
Quickly Agent! Go and check for damage or clues.

On it, G.
Good luck.
Before leaving, ask G about the gas cylinder in the room.
Hello Agent, you seem to have a question on your mind.
Ummm yes, what is Super Helium? (first option)
Oh that is a little something I have been working on to give parties a little extra 'lift'.
May I take it? (first option)
Sure, but be extra careful with it.

Take Helium, go to the Sports Shop in the Ski Vllage and get the box with wooden nails. Now with everything in your fins, go to the Town and follow these steps:

- Take a balloon and mix it with Helium;
- Place the balloon above the Gift Shop;
- Quickly place the net underneath and drive in the nails before the balloon bursts.
Yay! You fixed the Gift Shop. Thank you so much.
- Go down the tunnels and reach the Shop;
- Use your Spy Phone to use the screwdriver and unscrew the pipe;
- Place the net under the store and secure it with nails.

After restoring the Gift Shop, move forward and Herbert's drill is there along with the Clock Tower gear, so use your screwdriver again and get it, guaranteeing the secret mission medal!

Klutzy, hand me that 7/16 wrench.
This is a 1/2 wrench, Klutzy! Must I do everything myself...?
Ahaha! Just a few more cranks and this beautiful boiler is ours Klutzy! No more chilly nights for us...

Freeze right there, Herbert!
What? No! That's impossible! How did you find me?
Simple. I found the map, fixed the mess, and caught you red handed. (first option)
I can't believe this! So much planning, building, and scheming and you've already caught up to me?
I said freeze Herbert. You've caused enough trouble today.
Oh please! Have I upset you and your little friends? HA! I don't see why...
You've got music, games, and delicious vegetarian pissa! Not only that, you and your little friends party ALL THE TIME!
If I had actually cut down that Lodge, you would have probably thrown a party for that too.

And next we'll be throwing a 'We Caught Herbert' party. (second option)
I admit, my fowl friend, you are sharp. But I shall never be foolef or tricked by the likes of you. Your sucess has been nothing but luck so far.
I don't think it was lucky. I stopped your plan to chop down the Lodge with a pizza.
No you didn't! That was just a simple mistake! My plans are genius, and you know it!

I don't mean to be mean, but your plans aren't very good. (first option)
NO! That1s not true! I CAN outsmart you! I CAN succeed...!

Herbert slams the screwdriver into the boiler and it starts to overheat!
Uh oh...
Umm... I think it's time to be going, Klutzy. Come along.
Do yourself a favor, Agent. This boiler is about to blow. Ger out of here while you still can.
What in blue blazes? Why won't the drill start? Did you fiddle with it...?
Quick Klutzy, plan B. Run away...!
Okay now was that a left or a right, oh no now I have forgotten.
G calls to you.
==Hello Agent. I am getting some strange reading from the Boiler Room. Is everything all right?==
The boiler is over heating and Herbert is getting away!
==Don't worry about Herbert. Right now your priority is to fix the boiler.==

Repair the boiler as soon as possible!
==Hello Agent. It seems that you have the boiler back under control. Please report to the HQ as soon as possible.==

Excellent work Agent! Other field agents have been reporting from all over the island. It looks like you've prevented certain disaster.
But Herbert got away... We're back at square one. (first option)
I wouldn't be so sure, Agent. It seems Herbert has lost himself in the tunnels he made. Without his map, he may be stuck there for some time.
What about the damage underground? (first option)
We're sending teams in to fill in the hole at the Docks, to make sure no one gets hurt or lost...
They'll also ensure the Gift Shopis secure. Stupendous work restoring it.

I managed to recover the Clock Tower's Prime Gear from Herbert. (second option)
Wonderful, Agent! If you can just give it to me I can find a safe place to store it.
Thank you, Agent. This will not only make a good back up gear, but Herbert won't be able to use it for his plans any more.
What are we going to do about Herbert now?
The PSA can no longer afford to wait for Herbert to act in order to capture him. We will have to come up with a plan of action...
Stay on alert Agent. The next time we call you in, we will be needing your help on this.

Another mission accomplished! Stay tuned for the guide for the next mission and here below are the full versions, I hope you had fun with the guide!


==Kedi Wain, Brigadier Major

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