CP Journey

[CPJ] PSA Mission 9 Guide - Operation: Spy & Seek


Salute, Soldiers!

The person writing this article is Brigadier Major Kedi Wain and today I'm going to cover the newest PSA Mission 9 in Club Penguin Journey, now without further ado, let's get to the post!


You see G with 3 trackers and a rubber duck on the ground.
Greetings, Agent. Good to see you again. Thank you for coming.
Good to see you, G. I came as soon as I received notice. (first option)
Excellent. Are you ready to begin your mission briefing?
Affirmative, G. What's my mission? (first option)
Wonderful. Here's your mission.
As you know, over he last several months, Herbert's strikes against Club Penguin have become bolder and more dangerous. Yet he has eluded capture.

Yes. I've had a front row seat for his trouble making. (first option)
A fact that we are now going to use to our advantage.
The objective of your next mission is to gather intelligence on Herbert's whereabouts.
We need to find out as much as possible about his plans.
If I find Herbert, shouldn't I try to capture him? (first option)
At this time, capturing him in the field would be too difficult. However, with advanced warning, we should be able to make a plan.
I've been working on a way to locate Herbert by tracking the signal of the spy phone he stole from you.
By placing tracking devices at key points around the island, we should be able to locate his position.

Awesome! (second option)
By setting up the tracking devices, we'll be able to tell where your old spy phone is. Wherever that phone is, Herbert will be nearby.
These three items here are the tracking devices.
In order to calculate the location of the spy phone, we'll need to spread them out across the island: one as high as possible, one as low as possible, and one out the sea.
I've making the best locations on your map, but the method of installing the devices is up to you.
I've provided some materials and plans that might prove useful, but you'll need to find your own solutions.

Wait a second. It sounds like I'm building my own gadgets for this mission. Why? (first option)
Good question, Agent. I'm not entirely sure. Your assignment comes straight from the Director, so I imagine there's a good reason for it.
Maybe you're begin tested.
This deflated rubber duck might prove useful for installing the device at sea, though it has a hole you'll have to patch.
I also drafted up some plans for a kite that might work fot the high-point tracker, The rest is up to you, Agent.
Once you have the trackers in place, return to HQ and we'll see if we can locate Herbert. Questions?

Do you have any suggestions for constructing the kite? (second option)
Kites are wonderful inventions, partially because they are so easy to build.
All you need are some sticks, some paper, and some string. Refer to the plans, and you should have no problems.
Do you have any other questions, Agent?

Do you have any suggestions for constructing the duck? (second option)
The hole in the inflatable duck requires some simple adhesive to repair, and a pump to inflate.
Don't bother trying to blow it up yourself. That's how I broke it in the first place...
Do you have any other questions, Agent?

What's 432 divided by 27? (second option)
16. Oh, I do enjoy math questions. ?Let me know if you have any others.
Do you have any other questions, Agent?

Nope, I'm ready to go, G.
Excellent, Agent. Let me know if I can be of my assistance.

Take the trackers, the duckling and go to the Ski Village, enter the Ski Lodge and talk to the penguins who are playing Find Four with just one piece!
What if we paint one side blue?
I'm not sure if that would work. It would still be tricky finding four with only one piece.
What if we broke it into four pieces?

Are you guys trying to play Find Four with one piece? (second option)
Oh hello. Well, we'd prefer to play with more than just one.
Unfortunately, we could only find one piece. The rest of them are missing.
Well, I came here to look for some things. I'll keep an eye out for them.
Hey, thanks a lot! It will be like the ultimate Find Four game!
More like Find Forty-Four.

There are game pieces throughout the Lodge and the Attic, there is even a line that will be used for the kite in the attic! Once you've gathered all the pieces, return to the penguins. (you will receive a gift at the end of the mission)

Hey, you did it!
You found them!
Now er can finally determine who is the greatest Find Four player of all.
Actually, I think this guy is, but let's play anyway.
Go to the Forest, get the sticks and assemble the kite with the project and the rope, then put one of the trackers on it and that's it! Before we put it at the highest point (on the mountain), let's fix the rubber ducky.

Go to the Plaza and two penguins are with their two pet puffles.
Alright, now watch closely. Ed McCool is about to show you why he's the best puffle on the island.
Nice! Good going, Ed McCool!
Very impressive.
He practices all the time. Does your puffle have any special talents or tricks?
Well, the only thing Destructo practices every day is chewing gum.
Can he blow bubbles?
I'm not sure. Let's find out. Hey Destructo, blow a bubble!

Well, that really bursts my bubble...
Actually, I was kind of blown away by it.
This is a pretty sticky situation.
By gum, you're right!
What should we chew? I mean do.
Hey there! Can you lend us a flipper?
Sure, I'd happy to help. (first option)
Alright, I'll hold still.
I'll hold my breath.
I'll hold my horses.
I'll hold my toungue.
I'll hold my end of the bargain.
Seriously guys! Shush! (first option)
We'll be good.

Oh! Thank you so much!
Yeah, thanks a million.
Thank you from  the bottom of our hearts.
Thanks a bunch.
You're welcome! (first option)
I wish there was some way to repay you.
Do you mind if I take this gum? (first option)
Yeah sure, it's all yours. Be careful, though. It's really sticky.
Have a good one! Thanks again!
Combine the gum with the duck, covering the hole, and then go to the Docks, a penguin is messing with the boat.

Hey, what seems to be the trouble? (first option)
Oh, this old boat's giving me grief.
I've filled up the gas, checked the oli and the engine... everything! And I still can't get it to start.

Here, let me see if I can get it started. (first option)
Be my guest. I just can't figure what the problem is.
Pull the rope to start the boat.
Well, what do you know? It jut needed a good strong pull. Thanks a lot. Is there anything I can help you with in return?
Actually, could I borrow that pump?
You bet. Use it for as long as you want. I'm going to take the boat out soon, so I won't need it for a while. Thanks again!
Glad to be of help!
See you later!

Use the bomb on the duck and combine a tracker with it, now the third and last one is missing! Go to the Mine where Rory, the penguin who was on a mission to repair the Clock Tower, is.

Howdy, friend. Good to see you again.
Hey Rory! Mind if I send a mine cart down? (second option)
I'd love to hurl a cart down the track, but no one can surf the steel until I'm done repairs.
Is there any way I can help? (second option)
Well, if you're offering, I'm listening. An extra flipper would be handy.
I'm fizing the troughs on the shack here. If you can climb up and help me figure 'em out, that would be mighty fine.

To arrange the wood and the gutter to turn in the right direction, follow these instructions below:

- Drag the bottom wood to the left;
- Drag the vertical wood in the middle of the gutter down;
- Drag the top horizontal wood to the right;
- Drag the same vertical wood upwards;
- Drag the first wood to the right;
- And drag the last vertical wood down, then rotate the gutter.

Woohoo! Nice work there. You should consider joining my counstruction crew. You got time for one more job?
Yeah, sure. (first option)
You see that mine cart on its side? It took one too many back-flips on a corner, if yoi know what I mean.
It could use some tender care and a welding torch.

I'll do my best. (first option)
Thanks, I am sure you will do a great job!

Turn the cart over and weld the cracks so it is safe again.
I haven't seen welding that good since Gary got bored and built the Clock Tower!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get a wrench and a mop over to the Pizza Parlor. Happy handymanning!

Now the most awaited part has arrived! Put the tracker in the cart and send it down, then go to the Mountain and put the kite on the pole, and finally go to the Iceberg and put the duckling in the sea. After doing all this, G will call you and your map will look like this:

==Hello Agent. It seems you have correctly placed all the transmitters, please report back to the HQ.==

Ahh, welcome back, Agent. Excellent work, The tracking devices are working perfectly. I was just calculating the location of your old spy phone.
And wherever that phone is, Herbert will be... (first option)
That's interesting. The tracking devices show that your phone is just across the lake behind the Ski Lodge.
He's hiding right under our beaks. He's either incredibly smart and bold, or a little silly.

What's our next course of action? (first option)
Now it's time to move in and gather information.
Take these: the Binoculars 3000. They should let you view Herbert from a safe distance.
Head to the Lodge, and see if you can locate him. Then you'll receive more orders.
Follow G's orders and enter the back of the Shack. Herbert is making a big deal out of lighting a fire, but his plan goes wrong; then G calls you.

==Uptade me, Agent. Have you located Herbert?==
Uh, yeah. And he was... dancing... (second option)
==Excellent. Anything else?==
Yes, he left the camp and left the spy phone behind.
==Hm... If we can recover the phone, we can connect it to the Binoculars 3000 ans set up a surveillance camera.==
==Here are your orders, Agent: Find a way across the pond, recover your spy phone, and improvise a makeshift camera. Hide it and then return to HQ.==

Aye aye, Captain! (second option)
==Good luck, Agent.==

Cross the lake, grab your phone, combine it with the binoculars and look for a tree to hide it. Then G calls you again.
==Agent, I'm receiving the transmission. Get back to HQ immediately.==

Welcome back, Agent. Excellent work. Now all we have to do is wait for Herbert to return and let his plans slip.
Can I ask you some questions, G? (second option)
Certainly, Agent. What's on your mind?
From here on the questions and answers don't have a right order, so let's start with the first, then the second and then the third.
What does the PSA plan to do if we manage to capture Herbert?
It's hard to say at this point, Agent. We just don't want any more attacks. We need to brainstorm a solution soon.
Any other questions?

Herbert seemed pretty happy. He's even dancing. Wat do you think?
Dancing would suggest a certain amount of enjoyment.
Given what Herbert told you when you first met him, I'm surprised he is doing something fun. It's very interesting.
Any other questions?

What's 347 x 58253?
20,213,791. Trying to stump me, Agent? You'll have to try harder than that.
Any other questions?
No, that's it.
Oh! Here he comes! Watch through this monitor.

I'm telling you, Klutzy - it's: put your right foot in, put your right foot out, put your right foot in, shake it, stomp it, twist and shout.
Well, that's how they played it at the Noth Pole.
Alright. Well, we did what you wanted to do; now it's time to do what I want to do.
And that's talking about my next ingenious plan!
That's right. Now pay attention. What's the one thing those silly penguins love more than anything else?
No, other than that. And I don't know why they have such a hard time tipping it. It was easy for me.
Those don't even exist. Try again.
No Klutzy! Puffles! Those penguins love puffles! They absolutely adore the furry little rodents.
I don't know. They look like rodents to me...
Those pernicious little penguins practically pamper those pesky pet puffles... Whoa, nice alliteration.
Anyway, my plan involves puffles. Lots and lots of puffles...
Serves you right. Interrupting an ingenious plan is bad luck.
Well... look what we have here. A snoop!

Hmm... It's unfortunate that he found the camera. But I think our mission has been successful.
We'll review the footage, and should Herbert try anything, we'll be ready for him.
Excellent work, Agent. We'll be in contact soon.

Another mission accomplished! Stay tuned for the guide for the next mission and here below are the full versions, I hope you had fun with the guide!


==Kedi Wain, Brigadier Major

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