CP Journey

[CP Journey] PSA Mission 10 Guide - Waddle Squad


Greetings, Soldiers!

Welcome to another edition of our Guardians Gazette. In this article, we'll cover ASP Mission 10 "Sardine Squadron" in Club Penguin Journey. Without further ado, let's get down to business!




Mission: You have been requested to join a special team of agents for an important secret mission. G and the others agents will meet you in the HQ.

--You'll find yourself at HQ with Gary, Rookie and Jet Pack Guy--

G: Welcome , Agent. I've called this group meeting because you'll all be working on a team for your next mission. Are you ready to start?
-You bet, G! (1ª option)
G: Good. Let's get started.
G: Today's assignment is extremely top secret and will require extra agents to ensure success.
J: What's going on, G?
R: This sounds exciting...
G: Penguins in the Mine have made an amazing discovery. The mysterious golden puffle has been found.
-A golden puffle! (1ª option)
R: Amazing!
G: The PSA has been assigned to protect the puffle until a secure place can be made.
G: For now we've closed off the Night Club, and we'll be guarding it there until we announce it to the public. Any questions?
-What are our assignments? (1ª option)
G: I'm glad you asked, Agent. Each of you will be assigned to guard an entranceway into the Night Club.
G: You'll be sent immediately to the scene where you'll...

(Herbert suddenly appears on all the screens)

J: What's going on?
H: Hello, my fowl friends. It's a pleasure to see you again.
-Herbert! (1ª option)
H: Surprised to see me? You shouldn't be. Those binoculars you left at my camp make it easy to see into places.
H: I was even able to fix the phone-the wrench and scissors have come in handy. Though this comb is a little useless...
G: What do you want, Herbert? I suggest you make it quick. We're tracking your signal as we speak.
H: I just wanted to give you a little 'heads up'. I've cooked up quite a scheme, and it involves your precious little puffles...
R: Oh yeah! Well there's no way you'll ever get the legendary golden puffle that's in the Night Club!(nice Rookie)
H: What?
-Rookie!! (1ª option)
H: Hmm...A golden puffle, you say? Why thank you, my little green agent. That sounds a lot better than what I had planned...
H: Look lively, you puny penguins. I'm on my way. And there's no way you can stop me from taking your precious golden puffle. HAHAHA!
R: Ummm... I...Ummm...

(Harbert leaves and the Director appears)

D: Excellent work, G. The suspect has taken the bait.
-Wait a minute. Who are you? What's going on here? (1ª option)
D: Greetings, agents. A pleasure to meet you all face to face, so to speak. I am the leader of the PSA.
D: My code name is The Director.
-The Director! The pleasure's all mine! (1ª option)
D: Indeed.
D: G, update the agents on the situation.
G: Rookie's outburst was actually part of our plan. We didn't want Herbert to have any doubts that the golden puffle was real.
R: Oh good! I thought I had messed up - big time.
G: The golden puffle is a ruse - a fake - unfortunately. But it makes for ideal Herbert bait.
D: We can now focus our efforts on setting the perfect trap. G has your orders. I wish you luck, agents. Be resourceful, be remarkable, be ready.
G: Jet Pack Guy, you'll be our eye in the sky. Take positon, and keep on the lookout. Rookie, you'll be operating a magnetic trap located in the Gift Shop.
G: And as for you, Agent, you have been assigned as Mission Leader. You'll be in charge of the entire mission, you must make sure the trap is in place.
R: Woohoo!! Congratulations!!
J: Sounds like a good idea to me.
-Thank you, G. I won't let you down. (1ª option)
G: I'm certain you won't.
G: Remember, it's your job to make sure the other agents are prepared.
G: Check in on each of the agents to see if they need any help.
G: Also, check your spy phone in case they report something. Good luck, Agent.

Once you've finished the conversation, you're free to continue with the mission. However, before you leave the base, make sure you pick up the solar painel inside the box next to Gary.   

Once you've picked up the solar painel, open the map and head to the Town.
When you enter the Gift Shop, you'll be able to talk to the store owner, who will need your help to tidy up his store, which is all messed up because of the mission.

- Would someone please tell me what's going on in here? The store is a mess. And what is the giant magnet for?
- I'm afraid that information is classified. (1ª option)
- Alright, well can you at least tell me how am I supposed to clean this all up by myself? I need to get my clearance table outside, pronto!
- I'd be happy to help you. (1ª option)
- Alright, thanks.

Put in your inventory: The table, the box with a bunch of balls and the clothes that are on the ground.

Now go outside and place the items next to the store. Like this: 

Enter the store again, and talk to Rookie, who will be standing next to the giant magnet.

R: Oh no...oh no oh no oh no.. Please work, giant magnet... Pretty please???
-Rookie. Report in. (1ª option)
R: Sir! Yes, sir! Set up the Magnet 3000 as instructed! Masgnet doesn't seem to be working! Awaiting further orders, Sir!
-Umm... You don't need to yell, Rookie. (1ª option)
R: Oh. Right. Got it.
R: Anyways, I can't get the Magnet 3000 working. I've got the magnet here, and the little doo-dad's here, but it won't work.
- It looks like it needs a power source. (1ª option)
R: Oh! That's right! It needs power! G made a solar panel power unit for it, but i forgot to grab it!
R: Can you grab it and install it? I need to keep an eye on the magnet.
- On it. (1ª option)
R: Oh thank you so much!

Lucky for us, we had already picked up the solar painel. All that remains is to fit the panel to the end of the magnet wire.

Once you've done that, you'll be faced with adn electrician's mini-game. Your objective is to connect the circuit with the correct wire colors.

If you make a mistake when trying to connect the wires, use the  red item on the left to clean the connection.

R: Well done! The Magnet is up and running. If Herbert grabs a hold of the golden puffle, he'll be no match for this magnificent magnet!
- Stay on alert and let me know if you see or hear anything. (1ª option)
R: Aye aye, commander!!

That part of the mission is done. Our next stop is the Lighthouse.

When you arrive at the Lighthouse, keep turning the camera to the left ultil you come across Jet Pack Guy, who will be without his Jet Pack. Talk to him.

J: What a time for my jet pack to break down!
- Jet Pack Guy. Report. (1ª option)
J: Ran into some technical difficulties. I'll need help getting into the air.
J: I busted a fuel line, and all my fuel spilled. I need some emergency fuel ASAP. Can you grab me some?
- On it. (1ª option)
J: You can whip up emergency fuel with the right mixture of cream soda and hot sauce. I already have some hot sauce, but I still need some cream soda.
J: I'll stay here until you get back. Hurry back, okay?

To get the cream soda, go inside the Lighthouse.

When you come across these barrels, take barrel in front of you and put it in your inventory. With the soda in hand, return to Jet Pack Guy.

J: Have you found any cream soda yet?
- Yes, but what do I need to do now? (2ª option)
J: Alright now... this mixture has to be done just right, or it'll blow the engine.
J: I've already added the hot sauce. I just need you to divide the cream soda into 2 different containers, each holding 4 units.
J: Give me the cream soda and I'll get you started.

When you deliver the barrel of soda to Jet Pack Guy, you'll come across another mini-game.

It may seem difficult at first, but all you have to do is divide the liquid according to the paper inside the bottle.

Each number represents the amount of liquid that needs to be in each container, in order.
Click on the green arrow to continue mixing.

Once the mini-game is over, Jet Pack Guy is ready to take the skies again.

J: Awesome. Good to go. I'll get into position now, and I'll phone if I see anything.
J: Thanks again.

All done. Now our next stop is the Docks.

At the Docks, we come across a fishing penguin and his rope:

Talk to him and ask if he could lend you his rope.

- Phew! Another long day.
- Excuse me. I don't suppose you have any rope? (1ª option)
- I do have some rope. Would you like to use it?
- Yes please. I would. (1ª option)
- Alright, here you are.
- Thanks a lot. (1ª option)
- Sure, no problem.

Ok, that was easy. Next stop: Night Club.

With the rope in hand, position it on the red cylinder.

If you try to lift the cage, the trap mechanism will fail.
Now pick up your spy phone, click on the red button and select the wrench.

With the wrench, click on the metal plate where the screws are.
By clicking on the mechanism again, we go to yet another mini-game.

In this part, we have to rearrange the gears to get the system working again.

The order of the gears is random and will depend on your game.

Now the trap is working 100%. With that part done, leave the Night Club.

As you head outside, your phone will start ringing. Answering the phone, Jet Pack Guy tells you that Herbert has been spotted near the Docks.

However, it was all just a distraction, and the fake Herbert was actually none other than Klutzy the crab.

After Klutzy disappears, Rookie starts calling you. He says something unimportant, like that Herbert is inside the Night Club.

When you enter the Night Club, Herbert will have the golden puffle in his hands and will be under your trap. Pull the lever to try and trap Herbert.

Unfortunately, when all the ways to trap Herbert fail, our last hope is to put more light on the solar painel so that the magnet can get stronger.

Point the lamps at the solar painel.

H: What? Impossible! I'm...trapped!
R: We did it! We caught him!
J: Good work, Agent. You led the mission well.
H: You pesky penguins! Release me at once, or face my wrath!
- You're not going anywhere, Herbert. (1ª option)
H: Puny penguin! You think this trap can hold me?!
G: Great work, agents, on the sucessful capture of Suspect #1, code-named Herbert.
H: Code name? That's my real name, you foul fowl fools!
G: Herbert P. Bear, Esquire: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be held against you.
H: I choose to ignore that right. BLARGLE BLAH MLEH! (?)
- What comes next, G? What do we do with him? (1ª option)
G: We have several options open to us.
G: Ban Herbert from the island forever. Stick him on another iceberg, and send him on his way.
G: Detain Herbert in a holding cell until he's learned his lesson.
G: Make Herbert do community service until he's paid his debt to society.
G: Let Herbert go. Because we're nice.
H: I like option #4!
G: That one was a joke.
H: I see...
G: We'll be looking into other options as well, but for now we need to transport Herbert to HQ for detention. Any final words, Herbert, before we arrest you?
H: Yes. I demand to make my one phone call.
R: Sure! You can use my phone.
G: Rookie, please report back to HQ. We need to have a short discussion on proper prisoner handling.
R: Umm, okay...
J: We had him!
G: Well, that was rather unfortunate. Perhaps I shouldn't have prepared those flip charts and instead just arrested him...
- We'll get him, G. It's just a matter of time. (1ª option)
G: Indeed. We need to keep a positive attitude about these things.
G: You are to be commended for your efforts. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to call in a clean up crew...
G: Wait, what's this?
-Herbert must have dropped it as he was escaping... (1ª option)
G: Brilliant, Agent! This could be a clue to his plans. What do we have here?
G: How unusual...
- What are they, G? (1ª option)
G: They're seeds. It's a package of seeds. What would Herbert want with these?
G: It looks like we've got another mystery on our hands. Head home for now, Agent. I'll contact you as soon as I have more information.


Mission accomplished, Agents.


So we come to the end of  this article.
I hope this guide has helped you and I'll see you in the next Gazette Post!

>>NiekTH, Sub-Lieutenant Chief and 
Gazette reporter

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