CP Journey

Interviewing Soldiers - Only.nic #14

   Interviewing Soldiers - Only.nic #14

Greetings, Soldiers!

Good morning, beautifull people of my heart! Here is NonoMajor of EGCP talking! After some time without interviews, the Interviewing Soldiers is back! In this edition we are going to interview a beautiful soldier, really kind and loved, being active since she joined the army and destroying all competition in the daily games, the Warrant Officer, Only.nic! I hope you like the interviw, if you have any suggestion of people or questions, send them in my DM!  

Questions and answers:
Q - Question

A - Answer


Q - Who recruited you?
A - In the beggining I didn't even know who it was 
KKKKKK, I thought it was a woman, but later I was told it was Fit KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK (I felt cheated 😭, but I think that was the purpose, right?)

Q - What do you like and hate the most in EGCP?
A - I really like the events and the games, it helps a lot in the mood of the people and I believe it improves the environment of the server. I also really like how close people are (from time to time), I got to know incredible people in this environment. Now, hate sincerelly I don't hate anything or anyone, nor have a reason to KKKKK, now feel disgust or think it's unberable there was a person, yes 
KKKKK. (some people will understand)

Q - Do you remember your first event? if you do, which?
A - Viiish... I think THINK that my first event was that Around the World Cup, I had just joined and didn't understand anythink  KKKKKKKK

Q - What are your personal goals inside EGCP?
A - I never thought about hat, but if one day I have availability, I pretend to go to modline 

Q - It's really clear you and niek are really good friends. How did you become such good friends?
A - It was a really normal story 
KKKK. I called him one day to plau UNO in roblox, because I needed someone to complete the round. Then we wnded up talking more and playing together too KKKKKKKKKK BOOM 💣Friendship (and I hope it comtinues strong for many years, GET IR, GARLIC?🔪🔪🔪🔪)

Q - What is your ACR/Sticker from EGCP? (Fiapinho does not count)
A - Aside Fiapinho huum... It's hard, you see. But I think it's "Traito" LOVE IT

Q - Wjat was the moment that marked you the most since you joined? 
A - The moment that marked me the most was when there was a war at 3am, and that day me, garlic, and another two boys decided to play something to stay awake. Of so many options we played a terror game KKKK. Everything went wrong, I couldn't see the game, and the boys were super fearfull KKKKK (what we don't do to stay awake)

Q - What do you expect from the future of EGCP?
A - I hope for all the best. Amazing achivements, medals, battles (and many gameplays too)

Before we end, Nic asked to add a couple thing before the end of the interview!

Picture of  Fiapinho


And this is how we end this weeks interview! Hope you liked it and see you nest week! Byye, my cuties!

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