CP Journey

The Vendetta


Attention soldiers of the Elite Guardians and members of the Club Penguin Army community.

    We are sure that you all have read (or at least are aware of) the rushed and cherry-picked expose posts written against us and their subsequent declarations of war. The administration here at the Elite Guardians has reviewed the numerous amounts of evidence brought against us, and it is safe to say that we do not take these allegations lightly. 

    It is an unfortunate truth that a lot of what has been said is true to an extent, and it does not look good in the eyes of everyday community members. However, the purpose of this post is not to just blindly defend ourselves or counter-expose other members. We intend to take responsibility when it is necessary, but we absolutely will not concede and bow to the bureaucratic leaders/members of the community. Moreover, we intend to point out the hypocrisy behind this entire endeavor of theirs, as well as show that the intentions behind these recent posts regarding us are not for the good of the community; it is quite the opposite. The narrative represented is a byproduct of cherry-picking evidence to forward personal vendettas against our army and its members. 

    This post will be a long read, as it will be split into several parts. Do not expect us to discuss some deep philosophy behind the culture of sorts, although we will touch on this a bit - you can read this response here if you want to see a post regarding that. This post will focus on the allegations brought against our army, and will not divulge a whole lot about the Winged Hussars or Edu14463, especially the latter. We would also like to express our gratitude to the Winged Hussars for sticking by our side, the Water Vikings for their unbias and fair statements (even if their HCOM later destroyed the alliance), Df44 for his private investigation, and the Club Penguin Armies administration for taking their time to thoroughly deliberate everything that is in question.

    At the end of the day, we are aware that this post will not change the minds of the bureaucrat-minded leaders and members of the community, who seek to destroy the reputations and influence of others merely because they enjoy wearing comfortable shoes (in their 20s, mind you) in this community. However, this post will serve as a means for people looking back years from now, the Club Penguin Armies administration, and people with any amount of rationale inside of their skull (a minority of members). 

Hey kids, let's go cherry-picking!


    We will be responding to the evidence and allegations put forth by both the Army of Club Penguin and the Templars of Club Penguin (both of which were linked above via hyperlink). The former's post covers primarily our Avalanche-related controversies, while the latter, in every bit of irony possible, covers the alleged racism and overall edginess. We will also cover a couple of videos where the likes of Xing and Calgo were seen explaining the information in the respective posts, and which were leaked to us during the creation of this post.

    Throughout this section, we will do our best to tackle every single allegation brought against us. Like we said previously, we do not intend to just try to defend ourselves, but we do intend to take accountability where it is needed, and we will stick by that. We will also do our best to explain the context of each and every situation that has been presented, so that way people understand the entire truth because frankly, context is needed for a lot of what has been published to the public. 

Army of Club Penguin's Post

    As stated above, the post written by the Army of Club Penguin targets our Avalanche endeavors. Their entire argument is based around the idea that we were given special privileges through a partnership with the CPPS Club Penguin Avalanche, which led to our max being what they imply to be "inflated". The implication of this entire post makes it seem like we are a Club Penguin Online army, but this insane hyperbole could not be further from the truth. 

    The very first piece of evidence that was brought against us are screenshots showcasing our very early partnership with Club Penguin Avalanche. Club Penguin Avalanche, for those who are not aware, is a small Portuguese-speaking CPPS that welcomed our army and several other communities with open arms when we chose to operate there. We developed a partnership with Club Penguin Avalanche back during our revival in May, which correlates with the dates of the Tweet presented by the Army of Club Penguin. They also provide a Discord screenshot dating back to June, which shows our events being advertised under the "partners" channel of their Discord server. 

    As we covered in our previous post regarding the Avalanche controversy, these tweets were eventually deleted, around the time June. Unfortunately, we do not have any evidence to back up the exact date of deletion, although CPAv Admin Logan stated that the tweets were deleted shortly after the partnership was called off in September. Therefore, no, these tweets were not deleted to hide anything. 

    In the case of the Discord advertisements, yes, they did in fact advertise our events through the partner Discord channel. This was a part of our partnership agreement. Once again, though, this was eventually stopped altogether and the only advertisement that was done after the fact was Fitsuki occasionally going into the server and mentioning that there was an event. With all that said, we are not denying that we had a partnership that advertised our army, but we will get into a proper rebuttal later on in the post. However, it is wrong to assume this advertisement has impacted our army's performance in the past few months. Back then, CP Avalanche was only a small CPPS, with nothing to offer us, to be honest. CP Avalanche decided to call off the partnership with our army at the same time they were experiencing a boom in their player base to avoid controversies. Once again, we do not believe this was impactful in our army's performance. Of course, we cannot move on from this point without acknowledging that the Army of Club Penguin implied that we were trying to "cheat the system", as if that was our plan all along.


    Their next argument is based on yet another mere implication, and one without remotely any evidence, mind you. They shared screenshots of tweets once again, but this time pointing out how these tweets were deleted, with the implication that Club Penguin Avalanche was trying to "hide" our partnership with us. This point really falls short, as it implies the CPPS had nothing to lose with being partnered with us (they didn't!), but the evidence that was, once again, shown in our previous post debunks that outright.

    For an army that has been monitoring our website, it really made us wonder why they even bothered trying to make this argument in the first place. As you can see, the date that is tied to the Tweet is dated to May. Pinpointing when this specific Tweet was deleted is not actually known, but as we made aware in our previous post, the partnership with Club Penguin Avalanche was terminated in late September (screenshot below).

''[...] nós da administração percebemos que tomamos uma decisão precipitada em oficializar uma parceria com a EGCP''
''[...] us, from the administration, realized we made a rushed decision in officializing a partnership with EGCP''


    From there, they provide examples of how we were allegedly counting every single member in a room as a troop for our max. They then go on to exaggerate how there has "never been an army to have such inflated sizes as we have been for the past 7 months", and then proceed to provide some pieces of evidence.

    These are the several pieces of evidence that were brought against us. Some of this evidence is a bit... questionable, especially second and third pictures. Well, they are not entirely wrong with this statement. We did not count people in the entire room, but we did provide pictures that had people inside the room, as that is impossible to avoid. We counted our max primarily with the criteria of whoever was in uniform, or whoever did a tactic. After the previous post, we became very meticulous with our counting process, as we did not want to give off the impression that we were trying to inflate our max. Our writer's team was instructed to include a list of enlisted troops and rogues that were counted in EVERY Avalanche event post. We do acknowledge how counting those who did the tactic as a means for determining max can cause issues, so in retrospect, it was not the best idea. For that, we do actually have remorse for that careless decision-making on our part.

    They then return to the Discord advertisement once again. This time around, they are making the claim that they were pinging @everyone and specific roles, as a means to draw troops to our events as a part of the partnership.

    Again, this serves as evidence showing that they rushed through their investigation and were clearly not careful. Clearly, they cannot tell, but, these messages were not actually created by Avalanche. The method that was used to advertise our events is known as the "follow" feature on Discord. Community servers can have their announcement channel(s) "followed", which sends whatever messages are sent there and then confirmed by the sender to be sent everywhere to the respective Discord channel in a second-hand server. Clearly, they really overlooked that evident fact right there. All of the pings you see are pings for roles purely in EGCP, and as for the @everyone mentions, well, they aren't valid when you make use of the following option.

    At this point, we were trying to get the willpower to keep reading after that huge hiccup that they had, but we persevered. Their next point addressed the legendary Card Jitsu Event. We already covered that in the beforementioned previous post, but we will re-address the situation now. There was a Card Jitsu Tournament that was held on Club Penguin Avalanche back in October, which led to controversy and deducted points as a punishment. This tournament was organized for the Club Penguin Avalanche community by Fitsuki, and it was actually not organized by EGCP at all. Fitsuki did use the EGCP website to organize this community event, but it was made clear that this was not an EGCP event. A prize was given out at the end and Sensei showed up. They make the claim that Sensei was planned to show up to inflate sizes even more.

    These screenshots do not really have much weight in themselves, but the context of the situation has been provided regardless. We do acknowledge that using the EGCP website to organize a community event was perhaps not the best move, but as addressed before, this was the only site where Fitsuki had a means of organizing an event. However, we do acknowledge the carelessness there and apologize for that, as it could've been handled better. Nevertheless, as stated in our previous post, the winners of the event were not even EGCP troops and while EGCP did hold an event to take part in the tournament, we only counted our troops. We had zero clue that Sensei was even going to show up, which led to the response that Edu and Lass had when seeing Sensei show up. Adding onto that all, the winner of the event did not even join EGCP until a day after, and they have since gone fairly inactive. There was an attempt by Lass to lead a tactic saying "join EGCP" when Sensei showed up, but that led to him and the troops who did the tactic being kicked from the CPPS, as that was not tolerated. Are you sure it benefitted us that much?

Lass and Edu were shocked at Sensei appearing


    Finally, they move on to the infamous "ELITEGUARDIANS" code on Avalanche. This code, a byproduct of our partnership, allowed us to have a code that gave whoever entered it our uniform on the CPPS. There are many ways to look at this entire ordeal, and the Army of Club Penguin used it as a means to justify that our partnership still exists and that we are "still working behind the scenes with them".

    Well, this is just quite literally another set of baseless statements. As we have stated a million times, we are not working behind the scenes with them. There is absolutely no evidence to prove that, and you will not be able to find any at all. Using the code's existence is a mere fallacy. They also made the claim that we said the code was deleted; we never once said that the code was deleted. To be honest, there is really no actual reason why the code still exists. We assume it is because we contributed a lot to the Avalanche community and that is a sign of thanks. We have a means to justify that thought, but outside of that, we have no idea why it still exists. We will acknowledge how bad it looks to have a code that gives out our uniform; we were very mad when Club Penguin Online did that for the Rebel Penguin Federation back in the summer of 2018. However, we will state wholeheartedly that nobody has ever joined us because of the code, but we acknowledge how it can have a subtle subconscious impact on recruiting. With all of that, we can actually acknowledge that it does look really bad and looks wrong, and we apologize for the misunderstanding that came with it. However, this cherry-picking and usage of baseless claims makes us not feel as sorry as we originally wanted to be, as it is quite clear they are talking out of their ass.


    With all of that said, it is important to sum up all the issues at hand. The partnership with Avalanche has ended as of September, and that is due to how rushed of a decision it was. Avalanche was just starting up when we partnered at the time, and they saw the benefits of a partnership. Ultimately, the partnership ended because as time went on, they realized it was a rushed decision.

    Furthermore, if we were truly still in cahoots with them, we would still be having our army advertised. This is simply not the case. As of mid-November, we stopped making use of Avalanche and have since gone back to using CPAB practically full-time like we did during the July to August period. This has not affected our max at all, and we have actually been having several really successful events out of nowhere - and they are not using Avalanche. To end off the defense, the CPAv administration themselves made the statement that any community that holds Portuguese-speaking events on their CPPS will be respected to a tier similar to ours. There is evidence proving this, as several communities were being promoted on Avalanche, similar to our situation.

Stamp community being promoted

Another community being promoted, once again

"'I inform here that Club Penguin Avalanche does not possess any form of partnership with EGCP, it doesn't benefit EGCP with any kinds of coins or game items. We concede awards for any community that makes a wide player base complexity event, and that is pretty rare and not EGCP exclusive."

    Even with all of this said, we acknowledge how bad this looks in the eyes of the community and how past trauma from Club Penguin Online armies can be felt. However, we assure you all that it is nowhere near that. Moreover, in terms of armies just alone, as we are the only army on the CPPS in the first place, it would be expected for us to have a sort of "monopoly" on the CPPS, which was the truth during the very late stages of us using Avalanche. That being said, we do acknowledge and apologize for the carelessness, and we do understand how people can feel like they are being disadvantaged by this situation. However, we still stand by the fact that much of what was brought against us did not hold up as they made it out to be, and once again this is all cherry-picking evidence to use against us in their own personal vendettas. Despite that, we will act more carefully and perhaps less conspicuously (even if we did not mean to be in the first place) regarding CPPS endeavors.

Templars' Post

    We will be categorizing everything outside of Avalanche as the "Templars Post". The information presented by the Templars covers allegations of racism, sexism, corruption, and mistreatment of troops. These are allegations that we really do not take lightly at all, as these are far more important to address than the Avalanche endeavors.

    The Templars begin by claiming we have not changed since 2019 (ironic) and that we have been mistreating our staff. Their first piece of evidence is a translated screenshot that shows Fitsuki referring to a troop as a "bad apple", and saying that we will replace bad apples with good apples and move on. This person is said to be a "long-time veteran", and we do know exactly who it is due to the Templars messing up hiding the identity, but we will get into that way later. The Templars go on to say that we refer to troops as bad apples and call them replaceable.

    Well, no. We had no idea how they even could make that conclusion when there is enough context to conclude otherwise. Fitsuki did not make a claim that our troops are bad apples, he said that this specific troop is acting like a bad apple for not fulfilling their duties as a staff member, and then goes on to say that bad apples get fired and will be replaced in the end by good apples who do their job. This is Leading 101; if your staff do not do their job, you fire them. This was another example of just rushing to misrepresent cherry-picked information, and this has to be one of the most embarrassing examples of that.

    They then provide some screenshots revolving around the firing of Seu, and when we presumed that he was leaking information back then. The main screenshot showed Edu referencing the "Secret Police" hunting down Seu to "run him off of the internet". The other screenshot shows a guy showing Seu a picture of a gun to "intimidate him".

    We really couldn't believe that the Templars actually used this against us. It was one of the funniest pieces of evidence against us. This has been a long-time joke in EGCP for years that when someone leaves EGCP, especially when they are deemed a "traitor", the secret police will hunt them down and destroy them. The joke to many probably seemed a bit far, and it probably would be a bit far to most, actually. Even so, this was a joke for many, many years at this point that is considered normal in our army, and Seu even acknowledged that himself when questioned about it.

"Did I know that the secret police were fake? Clearly. It's an EGCP meme. We've been making this meme for years. Since 2018, look. Whenever I think about it, I start laughing until I'm out of breath lol. I never felt bothered by it. They even joked that they were going to chase me lol. We were always fine, there were never any conflicts with anyone! We are flesh and blood. It was all a joke."

    Plus, the image of the gun was taken from Pinterest. Nobody is intimidated by that.

    They proceeded to follow up with several screenshots that showed this person testifying their... HORIFIC treatment at EGCP. They also showed screenshots of Fitsuki getting mad at some staff members. We will let the images speak for themselves, and we will then address them.

    Unfortunately, Fitsuki had indeed lost his marbles in that one screenshot. Two out of three of the leaders are quite young and new to leading, so they have their moments when it comes to losing temper when leading. Ultimately, it is a bad thing to see and completely unnecessary, but they have been trying to improve. Plus, they have been scolded several times by the Consulate to change their behavior, as it is not right. We do apologize for that, in truthfulness. While it is understandable to get upset at times, it is not okay to let it get by this far, and unfortunately, it did. As for the rest of the screenshots - these statements do not hold up at all. We will address the gaming community later on, but the members that were kicked out were not kicked out for having a gaming community, it was actually much, much worse than that. The several statements claiming that we manipulate children and use them as tools are pure hearsay and are just not true. We do so much to provide for and protect our family and show them that we appreciate them. Our community is not even composed primarily of "easily manipulated" children, it is composed of people around the same age as our leaders, so a range of 15-18 years of age. That does not mean much, but the point is that there has been zero evidence to even imply that we manipulate our troops. The one "slave" screenshot is just plain dumb. We will cover who this person is later on, but they are simply getting upset because they had duties as staff. Why the Templars actually considered posting this on their website is beyond us, as they should know that all staff have duties and therefore are expected to fulfill them. If this is not the case for ACP and the Templars, it does explain why their armies have taken a plummet in their ability to even function right, after all.

    The next points brought against us were perceived "racist" situations. These are the hardest to address because they do look really, really bad at surface level. Nevertheless, we will address them. The first screenshot provided shows Godheit, EGCP advisor, saying "This is why I hate black". The next shows Pardo Vivve making a reference to blackface, and the last shows a conversation between Edu, Yellow, and Zamb, which we will cover in more detail shortly.

    The unfortunate truth is, that a lot of these were jokes in very bad taste. Clearly somewhat offensive and black-humor jokes, they definitely do not look good in the eyes of the rest of the community. It is important to realize that Brazil's interpretation of racism and other offensive slurs, slang, and sayings are completely different from much of the First World's. In the case of the first two images, they are simply bad jokes in bad taste, and we should not and do not condone being racist towards anybody. The intent behind it was not to be genuinely racist, but we can see how people can interpret it as that. But, we are aware that the people behind these exposed posts do not really care about that. 

    In the case of the last picture, it's not as bad as it is made out to be. "Preto" is a term that refers to black people in Brazil. Literally speaking, it is just the color black (it can be a synonym for "negro"). It is not a racial slur at all, but it can be used in a racist context depending on the tone used. The term "macaco" is a word that is meant to be directed at Brazilians. Despite "monkey" typically being a racist term towards people who are black, in this case, it just refers to Brazilian people. "Crioulo" is another rocky term. The term "crioulo" does refer to black people and is the most offensive out of them all, as it refers to enslaved black people. This is the closest we got to the English N-word. It is important to note that none of these terms are equivalent to the N-word at all. In fact, Brazil does not have one. 

 The third screenshot occurred after a joke event was being held where a couple people in UMA uniforms were randomly found and encountered. One of them, Zamb, referred to us as "pretos" on CPAB and then joined the server and made those statements. The response that followed was pure laughter, as it was pure shock that a foreigner would just join the game and server and just say those words. Yellow, who is a black Brazilian, and Edu (who was not even present in the event), a Brazilian, laughed because they were surprised.

 Needless to say, the chat was soon purged by Edu due to how it could have been deemed offensive. There were numerous members in attendance there, and they actually did not care, except for one. We addressed this with the staff, apologized, moved on, and vowed to never let this happen again. Even if it was late at night, when the rules were relaxed, this should have not been allowed in the chat. So, we do apologize to anyone who may have been offended by our lack of immediate moderation, but we cannot take the blame for what was said by Zamb. At the same time, we acknowledge that the only reason the exposing party used this against us was just to, again, cherry-pick evidence to bring us down, rather than for the greater good.

    The remainder of the post addresses our allies, the Winged Hussars, and a Nazi-related EGCP meme. We won't take too much time to address the Winged Hussars situation, but we will try to explain a bit. The Winged Hussars were found to have several jokes made in poor taste, with a lot referring to Nazis and Hitler. There was then a picture of an EGCP graphic of Guta found in our server, except he had a Nazi armband on his graphic. 

    The Winged Hussars already addressed this, so we will keep this brief. These were absolutely jokes that were taken the wrong way but were definitely made in bad taste. However, we do not agree with the jokes made. It is important for us to realize that public servers can have people of differing cultures and backgrounds joining, which can lead to people finding stuff offensive that we otherwise do not see as such. The intent behind what was said is always important, so people need to take that into consideration. We were not too happy to find that someone actively tried to find Nazi references out of the blue in the Winged Hussars server, so it is definitely suspicious. 

    As for the "guta nazi" command, that was out of context. It was an old command from 2019 that Idealogic tested to see if it worked. It did work, but we had to delete it afterward, because well, there is literally a swastika in it. Again, we find it hard to believe that the people behind these exposed posts genuinely care about what was said because it was wrong, they have been guilty of out-of-pocket, dark jokes for years at this point, so we find this to be very opportunistic. 

    The next points covered allegations of homophobia. The first allegation was regarding an alleged raid that we did on the CPPS Penguin Dimensions, saying we raided an LGBT event saying homophobic slurs. The other pictures are various members using the phrase "viado", which (generally) translates to "faggot" in English.



  The term "viado" does not actually have as strong a meaning of the term "faggot" traditionally does. In fact, "viado" often does not have any homophobic implication, and it is actually a means of slang between two friends. It can also be translated as calling someone "stupid" as well. That being said, we understand that for a foreigner, these screenshots do look like troops were being homophobic. However, that is not true. For instance, take Fitsuki's message "evento CPJ viado" ["CPJ event viado"]. Like, it doesn't line up with a homophobic comment at all. We would like to paraphrase Df44's comment on the situation:

“Viado” is a Brazilian adaption of the word “Veado” that means Deer. It’s commonly used between Brazilian men friends as a way to greet each other informally (example: "Ô viado, belezinha rapá?!" – “Hey «viado», all good bro?” – viado takes on the meaning of something like “Hey man”), and although the literal translation is “fag”, it’s important to make clear that in Portuguese “viado” is not offensive as “fag” is in English. “Seu viado” as presented in the screenshots takes the similar meaning of expressions like “you dumb fuck” in English. Hence, I don’t consider this as a homophobic act.

   As for the Penguin Dimension raid, well, that NEVER happened at all. No one is even capable of proving we raided them. What DID happen though was a disagreement between us and Penguin Dimension, as they did not like army activity on their server, which led to a huge fight at one point. This was very early in our revival, so let's just say diplomacy was not the best. There was a barrage of insults exchanged at one point, but nothing homophobic at all.


    Out of both expose posts, this one was the one that actually had some harsher evidence. It is clear that EGCP has a big problem with moderation in the server, but we have been trying to improve our moderation of the chat. Unfortunately, there have been some racist things said in our chat, whether it be ironic or not, we cannot condone it and advocate for it. We have always been an army of dark humor, as this is a huge part of Brazilian culture in itself. What is deemed offensive in America is not the same as in Brazil. Nevertheless, a lot of people have gotten away with things that should have been stopped in our army, but we will acknowledge that dark humor is not for everyone and it has its ups and downs.

    The narrative that is being pushed in general, though, implies that they really care about this. All of the baseless accusations thus far, out-of-context screenshots, baseless testimonies, and lack of understanding in the first place have led us to conclude this is entirely fueled by personal grudges against members of our army, as well as the army in general. To the many people who have read the post and felt angered with us, please understand that it is not as bad as it seems. We are not an army full of racist, edgy people who disregard people's feelings. We have numerous black and LGBT members in our army, and they all understand what a joke is, because well, it is our culture, both in EGCP and in our home nation. But, to all of those who are offended, we do sincerely apologize and assure you that we will be more careful with how we moderate our server.

    To end off the response section, here is a screenshot of Seu's testimony that the EGCP Secret Police is fake. We cannot believe it actually came to that. Below is also the full context of Xing and Seu's conversation.

The Videos

    During the creation of this post, several videos were leaked to us from a person who will remain unnamed. This person was active in the voice chat inside of the Club Penguin Armies server, which saw (mostly) Xing breaking down the information presented. The insane manipulation and arrogant, self-righteous attitude was quite insane, to say the least. It was hard to watch as we could not believe how manipulative these voice chats were. Nevertheless, we have to address these especially.


    We were in utter shock at this video, to say the least. First, it starts off with Calgo, in his very masculine voice, going on about how EGCP should not represent the pinnacle of the community and various other manipulative wannabe public speaker statements. He stated how he wanted to preserve the community as if we were truly the burden to bring down the community. We cover a lot of his hypocrisy and intentions later on, but you can just tell by his tone that his intentions are beyond just "preserving the community".

    From there, we go onto Xing. We touch on this later, but we really have no clue how Xing thinks he is in ANY position to act like a morally standing individual. From sexually harassing one of OUR former troops a few years ago, to multilogging his way to success throughout 2022, and his long history of racism (and xenophobia directed at us in the past), how does he have a right to say anything? We find it hard to believe he changed, he just decided to properly cover his tracks. He has no right to call us "horrible people". He does not know us and never will.

    Furthermore, a HUGE false accusation concludes this video. He claimed that we doxxed Queenieliz and bullied her for her weight. Not only did these Queenieliz jokes happen back in 2019, but we never did any of that. The "Queenieliz is a cow" tactic did not originate from us, it originated from a S/M army in late 2019. We just took over those jokes and did not do it to call her fat. In addition, we had no idea that a dox of Queenieliz even existed in the first place. How can you make such a bold claim and back it up with zero evidence? Xing, using evidence that is years old is not the best strategy. We purposefully avoided it during the creation of this post. You are someone who is not in any position to try to use evidence that is years old against us.


    This is another example of blatant manipulation. We never once compared ACP to the Nazis. What was used was an example of just war propaganda, to make the enemy look bad. Could we have chosen something else, sure! However, there is no harm in using propaganda, especially CLASSIC pieces of propaganda. We will not address any of the Winged Hussars' information, as we already touched on it.

Our play on the old propaganda piece "The Challenge". It is a staple of war propaganda and was used by us to represent our war against ACP's tyranny. The plane says "freedom", which implies our exact claim.

    Calgo then comes in to claim that we were hiding AUSIA events. Our response was: what? Really? There are zero pieces of evidence to even back this up. We only do three AUSIA events a week, sometimes four, and we ALWAYS send them in. There are no benefits to even hiding them in the first place, as there is a size multiplier. Even with the multiplier, our average gets hurt by the AUSIA events anyway. If we cared that much about the Top Ten, we would just not hold the events at all. Please send us any evidence that you have to prove your claims.

    Xing goes on to announce how he wants armies alive, but we will address all of that in the end. He then goes on to say that people cannot use old evidence against him, as he changed. But, he then goes on to use old evidence against us once again. Xing continued to tread a line that he should not cross.


    We won't address the handgun used in the video, as we already explained the situation. However, we would like to add that the account "Luis Games Roblox" is an alt account owned by Fakezin, an advisor, who is an adult. Out of context, this all looks bad, but we explained the situation previously regardless.


    As we said, we will not address the Winged Hussars' accusations. Listening to the video, we have to give Xing props for his ability to speak manipulatively. His tone is too revealing, however, context destroys his arguments regardless.

    He then tried to break down our "guta nazi" command. We addressed this previously, but we will address this in further depth. The command had absolutely nothing to do with him being a German. The command was created back in 2019 by one of our legends just to make fun of him for being a "dictator", and just out of it being random altogether. It made use of an already established graphic that was made for Guta, which completely debunks his claims that blond hair was used to create an "authentic" Aryan Nazi. The command was used once during this generation, just because they wanted to see if it still worked. It still did work, and we removed it later because it had a literal swastika in it. We appreciate how Xing kept repeating the elements of the graphic with more emotion each time, just to try to make it look far worse.

Original Guta drawing, 2018

Cookky added the command in 2019

Note: the command was not immediately removed. But, it was removed months ago nevertheless.


    These videos were filled full of manipulative speaking on Xing and Calgo's part. Not only that but a continuing trend of blatantly false accusations, as well as attempts to use old drama against us. Unfortunately, the everyday community members will never understand the context and perhaps are too easily swayed by emotional speaking to actually understand the situation at hand. This does not mean that everything we did was okay, in fact, it isn't. We removed the Nazi command because of how bad it was, we acknowledge the relentless bullying of Queenieliz perhaps wasn't the best (even though it felt great at the time), and we acknowledge the distasteful jokes brought by the Winged Hussars are not the best to be said, especially in a public server. Nevertheless, we cannot stand by blatant manipulation and attempts to bend the truth against us.


    What we were able to confirm through various leaks and information relayed to us, was that this entire expose project had several people behind it. From what we could tell, the likes of Calgocubs, Xing, Dawn, Sidie, Spotty, Coolguy, and a few former EGCP among many others were behind this entire endeavor. Quite ironically, almost every single person that has attempted to bring us down, were guilty of the same, if not far worse. This section does not act necessarily as a "counter-expose", which would be quite petty and childish. Nevertheless, this section will point out major holes in the characters of the people against us. In particular, we will be looking at three major characters, former EGCP, Xing, and Calgocubs, alongside some additional information.

Former EGCP

    Why not get the worst out of the way first. A large basis for the expose posts brought against us relied on testimony from at least one former EGCP troop. We would assume that there are a few, given the context of some of the pictures. However, the main testimonies shared were all shared by a singular person, and we were able to quickly determine who that was. It was not wise to try and mask who the person was while leaving huge cracks that showcased who it really was.

    We will get this out of the way very quickly and determine who the main culprit is. We hate to have to reveal this to the entire community, but it has to be done for the sake of transparency. To cut it short, it is Masami, former EGCP 3ic. We will cover why Masami and the others tried to expose us in the next section, but first, we will discuss why she is not the heroic and mistreated woman you all think she is.

    This screenshot does not reveal a whole lot until you actually dig deep. You may think "how exactly did you figure out it was Masami from this picture alone?". Well, the lack of care, definitely.

    Upon zooming in, we were able to determine that the typical DM message that would say "message @user" is in Spanish; it specifically says "Mensaje a @Xing". Masami is fluent in Spanish and has her Discord in Spanish, and she was a leader at one point in our old brother ally, the Wild Ninjas (a Spanish-speaking army!). Not only that, but we were also able to determine it was Masami through their testimonies.

    If you analyze the screenshot in greater depth, you will notice how the English is very broken and is a classic example of South American poor English. Well, if you are not aware, Masami does not speak English at all. She primarily relies on a translator to speak English, and you can tell by her tone when speaking. Not only that, but this is how we have known her for years to speak English. The continuous use of "..." gives her out, by the way.

    Furthermore, Masami invited Xing into her private server on the 19th of December. She later became a ranked member of the Templars HCOM later on. 

    Masami was friends with Xing back in the day, so it is no wonder that she ran to him to unload this all on him. Or perhaps Xing manipulated her (she is very well known for not being in the best place mentally, just ask anyone in EGCP) into revealing information. We are not going to assume that he manipulated her, but we will keep it on the table, especially since ACP loves using accusations with zero evidence against us as well.

    With all of that context out of the way, we can actually show why using Masami as a means of bringing justice is mere hypocrisy. She is not a good person. In fact, she is hypersexual and has gotten drunk numerous times on our chat and said many bad things. The main thing did was ask a teenager (she is an adult) for them to measure their penis.

Fitsuki: Masami, what happened that night?
Masami: Honestly, I don't know
Fitsuki: So you don't realize the shit you made? Do you think it is normal to ask a middle school kid if he already measured the length of his genitals with a ruler? I was so pissed off that when I heard about that if I were there in the moment, I would've demoted you on the spot. It is not the first time you've done some weird stuff like this. But I hope that this is the last one.
Masami: I'm sorry for that. This won't happen anymore. I should've thought about that before.

    Unfortunately, we did not have direct evidence to back up Masami asking the young troop to measure their penis. However, the context of the discussion with Fitsuki should suffice enough to understand the context (we have IDs in case she deletes the messages). With this evidence at hand, is Masami really the person we should be listening to? We also ask the Templars if they want to keep a person like that in their ranks. Or maybe they will, considering they simply can't care less about the character and conditions of the people they hire.

    We previously mentioned how Masami testified that she, along with others, was fired because of their involvement in a "gaming community" that ran parallel to our server. Well, like we said, that is not the case at all, and it is quite funny for her to try and push that narrative.

    It is pretty funny, she is blatantly not telling the full story at all. The people involved with that gaming server (her and another troop named "HNT") were fired not because of the server itself, no, they were fired because they were streaming hentai inside of the server to our troops, which was absolutely not tolerated. We already had issues with them both due to several other instances, and this was the final straw.

HNT: Hey Carminho, do you want to join my server? We spend hours in VCs there.
Carminho: But I don't like to be on VC so much, just to send messages and listen to music
HNT: So it's that what we do there. It's a gaming server. I will send you in DMs. You know that?
Carminho: What, what happened? I think I know

The voting surrounding what to stream
Masami showing a troop the stream

    Again, the blatant hiding of the truth is extremely annoying. It is pushing a narrative that we banned troops simply for having their own gaming community. No, that is not the case at all. While our troop base does not consist entirely of children, we did not want a gaming community, run by a former troop senator of our army (a rank that is meant to represent the member line) to be streaming hentai to children and likewise our troops in general. We do not stand by to promote that degeneracy at ALL.

    This is just scraping the barrel with the hypocrisy, and it gets far worse when we take into consideration the personal vendettas of others, but we will cover that in the next section.


    We were in a bit shock to see Xing of all people on their side. We were not really sure whether or not they were insane, or just plain stupid. Xing is definitely one of the worst people to have on your side to do ANYTHING of this sort, and they especially lost tons of validity just by having his name tied to the situation. We are not huge fans of this mentality towards people, but Xing himself has been guilty of every single thing that they brought against us. Moreover, it is safe to conclude that Xing only took part in this entire ordeal because he clearly still holds hard feelings against the Elite Guardians. The army that colonized his pitiful little army for months, destroyed them on the battlefield countless times and captured their servers in the past. It was very opportunistic of him to take part in this entire ordeal just to take down EGCP, the current top 1 army.

    Nevertheless, we are not a fan of bringing up several years-old pieces of evidence against people. While we know Xing still acts the same behind closed doors, we are not in a position to reveal any of the evidence that we have, and we are unfortunately unable to collect some evidence altogether. So, you are off the hook Xing with most things, but please, for your sake, try to keep yourself together around women. You are a Christian after all.

    Despite this tongue-in-cheek spiel, we do find that Xing has zero position to speak on our Avalanche endeavors. While we certainly realize how bad the Avalanche situation looked, Xing himself has been found guilty of far worse this year alone. We intended to keep this section short, as we feel this article speaks for itself. Oh, and this one too. Enough said there.


    Calgocubs1 was once a respected opponent within our army. Despite the several insults we through at him, we saw him as an honorable leader, a true leader at that. We respected his ability to honor his troops' wishes, even during the estrogen tactic incident. Unfortunately, his partaking in trying to destroy our reputation and Edu's reputation, while ignoring context, and evidence, and simply being an opportunistic pig, has caused us to realize he is incapable of the chivalry that we once thought he was capable of. 

    While we did not address all the "sexist" jokes as they were primarily targeted towards Edu's character, these situations did happen in our server. These incidents had your typical "sexist" jokes such as giving newly joining women the "elite cleaner" role and "army chef". Obviously, these jokes were completely satirical, and everyone should know that.

    We couldn't really believe that this was used against us. Of course, it was clearly a joke and the women in EGCP were aware of that, and found it funny. Not only that, but these are roles that can be bought in our server using Totinhos, so it's really not as elaborate as they make it out to be.

    There are countless other reasons to explain why we are actually not sexist, but those can be found in Edu's response post that has already been linked, as this issue pertains primarily to Edu and not us.

    With all of that said, we will show a few screenshots. We hope this proves our point! 

Calgo can joke around, but not us? Understood! (source: CPA main chat)

Note: There are numerous examples of other people making these jokes, we just wanted to focus on people who were working against us

    Previously, Calgo has made several statements about infamous army member, Klutzy, being apart of the community altogether. He previously implied that several armies (such as SWAT and ours) exploited Klutzy for money and that he should be kept out altogether.

    So clearly it is perfectly fine for Calgo's allies to have Klutzy as a ranked member, but anybody else? Pure exploitation! We never exploited Klutzy at all and we were actually quite sad when he left the army. Nevertheless, this is another case of just blatant hypocrisy.

    Also! Remember how Fitsuki was accused of mistreating his staff and yelling at his troops based almost entirely on testimony? Let's not forget this! 

Remember, Calgo can yell at his troops to do their duties, but not us!


    Earlier in the post, we tackled how the Winged Hussars (and kind of us as well) were criticized for Hitler and Nazi jokes. Well, upon investigation, it turns out one of the armies that are so hell-bent on exposing us and getting us banned, are guilty of this themselves.

    Ah, we get it! Shinzo is German and therefore it's not okay, but since Greg is Austrian, it perfectly is okay! 


    This is just scraping the barrel of the numerous hypocritical statements and actions carried out by the people behind our expose posts. Why should the community listen to people constantly reach out and try to stretch every single thing we have said or done to make it look far worse than what it really is, especially while doing the same or even worse themselves? It just goes to show the opportunistic mentality of these people. We would love to have released other information per our investigation, but it was either confidential or slightly too old for us to use it.


Note: Some of these claims are subject to speculation, while others are based on evidence

    The main idea of this entire post was to point out that the people behind these expose points do not care at all about what we said or did. No, they instead wanted to conveniently use our dumb mistakes against us to bring us down, as they knew our actions would look horrible in the eyes of the everyday community members. It was clear by the timing that they had one primary goal in mind: disqualify us from Christmas Chaos. With all of that said, we will be addressing the real motives behind the several people exposing us.

Former EGCP

    The majority of the information that was brought against us was provided by various people inside of EGCP. However, it is important to note that they all were fired or left due to controversies surrounding their behavior.


    We already touched on why Masami was fired previously. She was fired because she did not recruit, post, or do any of her activities. She even stopped attending altogether. In addition, she kept getting drunk in main chat and kept saying out of pocket things, namely the incident with the child. We could not continue to let that happen in our server, so we first demoted her, and then outright fired her. It is impossible to deny that the only reason why she spoke out against us was because she was fired from our army. If she spoke out without lying and manipulating the people exposing us, perhaps her arguments would be stronger.


    This was already covered as well. HNT was fired because he streamed hentai to a server with EGCP troops inside of it, including troops that were children. He had the role of "Senator", which was a revered role as it was meant to represent the lower ranks of the army. We could not let a Senator do that to troops in our army, so we had to fire him. Again, evidence was already provided. He likely jumped on the bandwagon with the other people who worked against us.

Ray Traper

    Ray Traper had a problem with leaving our army a bunch of times. Ray Traper was one of our younger troops, so we can give him somewhat of an excuse for his impulsiveness. However, he grew a disdain for the army because of his criticisms of one of our troops, for their success in recruiting. He also had a serious problem with having genuine misogyny, as well as being weird to the women in our server. Obviously, this annoyed us and we couldn't keep allowing it, so that led to his hatred for us. Below, there is a video of Ray Traper mad at a female troop, calling her the "dog of the leadership" just for doing her duties in the army. Ray Traper did not fulfill his duties as a troop and therefore was mad he was not promoted while seeing his colleague rising up the ranks.



    Well, isn't it obvious here? The Templars were an army that we fought against many years ago from 2018 to 2019, in a series of four wars. We won every single war against them, one after the other. While the intentions of Dawn are perhaps different, we already know the intentions of Xing are one thing: revenge. Xing has never liked our army, and for years he denied our successes against him.

    Xing practically owns Dawn. This is not a blatant accusation, this is an observable fact. Her intentions are likely to appease the Army of Club Penguin, as they have been doing this for months at this point (recall back to World War IX). We find that this is her attempt at diplomacy, and we cannot blame her entirely. She is trying to survive in the community, so she finds her peace by being a sheep. Many people do this. However, that just goes to show that her intentions are to act on behalf of the Army of Club Penguin's wishes to eliminate any form of competition for their power.

Army of Club Penguin

    We already touched on why the Army of Club Penguin hates us in one of our previous posts. It is just blatantly obvious: we threaten their power and influence. This is not just a scapegoat for us to use, this is quite observable, you can ask anyone who has any form of opposition to the current community's values. The only reason they went to war with us in the first place was because of our threat to their power. ACP was said to be dominant all year diplomatically and achieved a lot of success. Once we came around, we not only grew to become larger than their army, but in our early days of returning, we were able to make them actually try to put up a strong fight against us, within only a few months of reviving. If that is not humiliating, we are not sure what is.

    We find it likely that the Army of Club Penguin intended on beating us in Christmas Chaos and would follow up that with a war. Of course, we are not 100% sure about that, but this is a likely explanation for the turn of events. It is funny admittedly, as they did what did exactly to them, but this time they did it out of more fear than we would have ever had for them. Their incompetent leadership has led to a recent decline in the overall power of the Army of Club Penguin, and this is their last chance at trying to secure any of it, by getting us disqualified or banning us.


    We won't do a whole lot of explaining when providing information about Spotty's vendetta against us. She has repeatedly criticized us AND Edu numerous times in public for everyone to see. Below are some of our favorite examples.

    We find it ironic how Spotty is meant to be in a "professional" position of armies but continues to speak like this. She is in a judging position, one that is extremely important, as it dictates the results of battles. We do not like this kind of behaviour out of people that are meant to be as unbias as humanly possible. While people are entitled to their opinions, sometimes people are in positions of power where they should not even speak of them in the first place, as it jeopardizes their validity. We do have further evidence proving her biasedness, but given it is not the intent to tackle this down here, we will not divulge this information. Spotty is clearly taking sides with Calgo (which is ironic, because both despise each other, e.g.: Calgo calling Spotty a bitch in the Army Board VC some months ago) & his blind followers because they have a common enemy now: EGCP and Edu14463.

Xing & Calgo

    We already touched a little bit on what Xing feels about us: revenge. Honestly, we can say the same for Calgo as well. Calgo is upset that his micromanaging of the Army of Club Penguin is failing the army. Judging by the tone of Calgo as of late and his moves to blatantly lie and go against us, we find that his intentions are to do one thing: try to keep ACP at the top of the food chain. Obviously, this is not going to work. We exceeded ACP months ago, and at this point, we can just celebrate with cake and a party to rub it in their faces. 

    From a guy that we once respected, we find that Calgo was never the honorable guy we thought he was. He is opportunistic and acts purely out of interest for this new hyper-political army landscape. Enough said.

Shallissa & Sidie9 (PIC)

There is not too much to cover here, besides that PIC is ACP's dog. Not only ACP's but arguably Rowan Alden's. Said individual is believed to control some of the PIC Commanders' actions behind the scenes. Rowan Alden made clear he does not want to see Edu as an admin. Therefore, he used (and possibly sparked) this situation to try and prevent him from getting into the position. 


    At the end of the day, what can we say? It was obvious from the start what the intentions were behind this all. Are there some people who genuinely care about the community's well-being that are behind this? We do find it likely, however, we assume it is the everyday army community member who genuinely cares about the well-being of the community, as opposed to these figures. We are quite sure that the Club Penguin Armies Administration is quite aware of that, as, despite complaints over these months, they aren't stupid.


    There are some things that we did not address, like the abortion joke or the several "rape jokes". We will not waste our time addressing the abortion joke, as it was obviously satire and we already covered the hypocrisy in even using that against us. As for the rape jokes, those were in pretty bad taste and could definitely be seen as triggering. The term "rape" in this context is an old meme about "destroying" or being "destroyed". Clearly, those jokes were not actually about raping literal people, but they can still be seen as distasteful anyways. There were also concerns over our "captive" role and the "whipping". Again, it was a huge stretch to see these people actually imply that we were talking about slavery. The whipping is a very old meme inside of EGCP where when people mess up, we give them a captive role and whip them. Generally, it is not done with that much malicious intent, and it is usually only used maliciously against trolls or enemies of the army. To say that is a reference to slavery is reaching extremely, especially since a big part of Brazil's identity comes from the liberation from slavery. We would NEVER glorify slavery in the army, just as we would never use the term "crioulo" ourselves, as both are considered distasteful in Brazilian culture.

    For everyone who reads this post and still claims that we took no accountability; you are wrong. We understand that our moderation has been way too relaxed at times, and understand that many of the jokes said in our server are definitely a case of black humor, so clearly they can be seen as taboo and distasteful. There are a lot of things we said and did that are simply just bad in general, and we carry remorse for it. As for the Avalanche stuff, we do understand the concerns completely, and we do acknowledge how bad it can look at the surface level. The constant implications of us lying about ending our partnership are simply incorrect, however, and we will not concede that. Even with taking accountability, we will not concede that there are clearly second intentions. 

    We understand the geopolitical and diplomatic stance of trying to put your army at the top. We are aware of how that works. Any rational leader will do their best to ensure the well-being and success of their own army. However, we also understand that this is a penguin game where we should be trying to just have fun. There is no reason to make armies this political to the point where you lie to the entire community about "fighting racism" just so you can bring down the army that rose above you due to your comparatively incompetent leadership. 

    At the end of the day, we do not care about what PIC, ACP, or TCP even think about us. We quickly realized how much of scumbags many of their leaders and important figures are soon after our revival. We are not fans of our reputations being destroyed, but, we do not care about having a good reputation in the eyes of the unholy trinity, and it will always be like that. 

Because of that, we hereby declare that the Templars of Club Penguin, the People's Imperial Confederation, and the Army of Club Penguin to be permanent enemies of the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin, so long as their armies are overseen by the current administrations.

    We found it ironic how many of these people who tried to expose us have been given so many second chances to keep their reputation intact in our community, and they have done far worse than many of us could even do. The past is the past, and we intend on leaving our past in the past and moving on from this. But, we will not let these armies be the ones to tell us that we need to change. 

    This post was written while all the drama was going down, so there have been numerous developments since the creation of this post. Namely, our punishment. We will accept our punishment wholeheartedly. We were not a fan of Idealogic, a moderator of our ranks, being fired from CP Armies, and we plead to the administration that they let him back into the staff ranks. He did not do anything wrong, he was just testing the command and that was all. 

    The community is certainly dying, there is no doubt there. Many of the people exposing us are unironically advocating for a ban on our army, and to have us completely eradicated. Why? Why would that be the rational response? We are not like the Recon Federation, who were led by a literal pedophile. Many of these people exposing us complain frequently about how good it was in the past, and how armies are dying. Indeed, they are. How do you expect armies to continue when you instantly out two relatively newer armies as "racist"? It's a crying shame.

    With everything said, we accept this war. It is ironic how a five-nation army could hardly max 40 at its peak, let alone average 22 against us in battle. There is one thing that you guys will NEVER have and NEVER will take, our spirit and our pride. We will always be the greatest army of the CPPS era because we do not bend over for anybody. We have our own sense of independence, and we would love for you guys to actually get that. 

    Like we said previously, we are aware that this post will likely never change the minds of the people behind this all. In fact, it won't. They are too blind and too simple-minded to even understand. However, perhaps we can change the minds of the rational-minded people in the community, as well as show the administration that this was all done for personal gain. Most importantly, we hope history will see things rightfully. End the Vendetta.

~ The Advisory of the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin
~ The High Summit of the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin
~ The Consulate of the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin

(PS: Who wants to bet one billion totinhos that the likes of Calgo and others will say "zero accountability!").

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